Biodiversity and Sustainability
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability LIMITED LICENSE TO MODIFY. These PowerPoint® slides may be modified only by teachers currently teaching the Science and Global Issues SEPUP course to customize the unit to match their students’ learning levels or to insert additional teaching aides. Modified slides may be used only by the modifying teacher in his or her classroom, or shared with other teachers of Science and Global Issues within the teacher’s school district, with these same restrictions. Modified slides may not be taken out of the classroom or distributed to any non-student person or organization. Except for use with students in the classroom, modified slides may not be published in printed or electronic form, including posting on the Internet. Only text may be modified: photographs and illustrations on the slides may not be modified in any way except to change their size. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (“University”) MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. University will not be liable for any costs, damages, fees or other liability, nor for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) with respect to any claims by the purchaser or user of Science and Global Issues or any third party on account of or arising from the use or modifications to the slides. Client acknowledges and accepts that University services are provided on an as-is basis.
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Get Started Describe four ecosystems you are familiar with, one of each of the following: ◦ A large ecosystem ◦ A small ecosystem ◦ A local ecosystem ◦ A distant ecosystem What benefits do humans derive from these ecosystems?
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Introduction Biodiversity or biological diversity is the combination of: ◦ assortment of species across the earth and within and between ecosystems and ◦ the variation in the genetic composition of a species. Read the Introduction.
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Introduction Sustainability is the ability to meet a community’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Endemic species are those that are found exclusively in one area.
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability How are the biodiversity of an ecosystem and the sustainability of human communities related? Challenge
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability The Island of Kapikua
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Species Card
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Follow Up How did your sustainability scores on Student Sheet 1.3, “Sustainability Scores,” change over the course of the game?
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Follow Up Ecosystem services can be broadly defined as the benefits received from ecosystems, including natural resources and processes that humans and other species rely on for survival. What types of ecosystem services did your group encounter in the game? Analysis 3
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability Follow Up How might having a greater or lesser genetic diversity influence a population over time?
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability A trade-off is an exchange of one thing in return for another, giving up something that is a benefit or advantage, in exchange for something that may be more desirable. Discuss one decision you made about your ecosystem. What was the trade-off involved? How did this affect the overall sustainability (short AND long term) of your ecosystem? Question 4, Student Sheet 1.4
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability How are the biodiversity of an ecosystem and the sustainability of human communities related? Revisit the Challenge
Activity 1: Biodiversity and Sustainability biodiversity biological diversity ecosystem services endemic hotspot sustainability trade-off Key Vocabulary