Fall 2015 NJ/DV HIMSS Conference Innovation Centers: From Hackensack University Medical Center’s The Experience Lab to Innovation Centers Across the Country Fall 2015 NJ/DV HIMSS Conference Mike Squires, VP, Innovation & Public Policy BluePrint Healthcare IT
Abstract Hackensack University Medical Center started its innovation center—The Experience Lab-- in 2014 to collaborate and experiment in real clinical environments on innovative information technology solutions. The session will share how HackensackUMC’s innovation center is working with internal and external partners to provide world-class clinician and patient experience driving the highest quality customer service and exceptional patient care in a fiscally responsible manner. BluePrint Healthcare IT Innovation Exchange (BIX) will provide the context innovation centers are playing in healthcare systems nationally and internationally. BluePrint has learned from nearly 70 healthcare innovation centers who have participated in a series of five Innovation Centers Summit Workshops including those held at Kaiser Permanente’s Innovation Centers, Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation, Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design and The Innovation Institute. Additional insights will be provided from a Webinar and survey conducted by The Commonwealth Fund.
HackensackUMC Innovation Live Experience Labs Fall 2015 NJ/DV HIMSS Conference Shafiq Rab, M.D., MPH Vice President, Chief Information Officer Hackensack University Medical Center Jeremy A. Marut, MBA, CHCIO Director of Enterprise Architecture
About Hackensack University Health Network A nonprofit teaching and research hospital located in Bergen County, NJ The largest provider of inpatient and outpatient services in the state. One of the largest health networks in the state comprised of 1,140 beds, nearly 10,000 employees and 2,200 credentialed physicians. #1 hospital in New Jersey and one of the top four New York metro area by the U.S. News & World Healthgrades® America’s Best 100 Hospitals in 10 different areas – more than any other hospital in the nation Healthgrades America's 50 Best Hospitals™ for seven years in a row Healthgrades Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence™ 11 years in a row Leapfrog Top Hospital 23 Gold Seals of Approval™ by the Joint Commission – more than any other hospital in the country. First hospital in New Jersey and second in the nation to become a Magnet® recognized HackensackUMC is the Hometown Hospital of the New York Giants and the New York Red Bulls www.HackensackUMC.org
Healthcare will only change when we as patients want it to change Healthcare will only change when we as patients want it to change. - Shafiq Rab, MD
Many organizations caught in this chasm Patient & Clinician Experience Crossing the Convenience Chasm Meaningful Focus on Experience Pleasurable Convenient Many organizations caught in this chasm Usable Focus on Tasks Reliable Functional
Achieving the Triple Aim Making a Difference with Technology Improving Patient Experience Reducing Cost Improving Outcomes
Live Experience Labs Clinician and Patient Technology Trials Clinician & patient driven NOT an IT initiative Two inpatient nursing units Already successful ones Two outpatient faculty practice offices Engaged ones
Live Experience Labs The Participants Leadership There must be a vision for innovation Technology steering committee Physicians Nursing Clinical Operations (anyone who has a need) Infection Control The vendors Patients & their families Information Technology
Live Experience Labs The Process Evaluate Needs & Opportunities Brainstorm Workflows Brainstorm Accommodating Technology Bring in Vendors Develop Solution Internal non-Prod Pilot Live POC in Labs Continued Refinement Evaluate Success/Outcomes Campus Go/No-Go Decision
Live Experience Labs Results & Guidelines 8 technologies introduced in 2015 will be adopted house-wide in 2016 Align with the organization There needs to be a need Keep the fire stoked Continuous nurse & doctor feedback Continuous patient rounding All or nothing technology? Physicians can’t be targeted, they practice everywhere
Contact or Follow Dr. Shafiq Rab Thank You Contact or Follow Dr. Shafiq Rab 551-996-3669 Srab@HackensackUMC.org @CIOSHAFIQ
Fall 2015 NJ/DV HIMSS Conference Learnings from Healthcare Innovation Centers: Based on Five Innovation Centers Summit Workshops produced by BluePrint Innovation Exchange Mike Squires, VP, Innovation & Public Policy BluePrint Healthcare IT Innovation Centers Summit Workshops Five since 2012 © 2015 BluePrint Healthcare IT. All rights reserved.
adoption and spread of health care innovation Forces that influence adoption and spread of health care innovation Source: AHRQ Innovation Exchange: Understanding the Forces That Influence the Adoption and Spread of Health Care Innovation BySusan Dentzer, MA, Senior Policy Adviser to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Member, Innovations Exchange Expert Panel
Health Care Delivery Innovation Center Definition “places that are working to discover, develop, test, and/or spread new models of care delivery—in hospitals, clinics, and patients’ homes. The innovations they test may be internally developed or adopted from elsewhere.” Source: The Commonwealth Fund Findings from a Survey of Health Care Delivery Innovation Centers April 2015
Health Care Delivery Innovation Centers Overview Question Range of Responses Median Year started 1995–2014 2010 Annual budget (when disclosed) $150,000–$18,000,000 $1,950,000 Number of staff (full-time equivalents) 1–215 6 Time spent testing an innovation 1 week–3 years 3–12 months Number of innovations being tested 2–100 12.5 Time horizon for funding 1 year–10 years 1 year Source: The Commonwealth Fund Findings from a Survey of Health Care Delivery Innovation Centers April 2015 Note: Number of innovation center respondents varied from 21 to 32, depending on the question.
What do innovation centers do? Source: The Commonwealth Fund Findings from a Survey of Health Care Delivery Innovation Centers April 2015
What do innovation centers focus on? Notes: Percentages based on 31 innovation center respondents. Other responses include spending reductions, the uninsured, helping seniors age in place, teaching/education, data mining, and data analysis. Source: The Commonwealth Fund Findings from a Survey of Health Care Delivery Innovation Centers April 2015
Innovation Frameworks (Process) Funnel Linear Double Triangle Circular Spiral Funnel Source: Community Launchpad / Community Health Network, Indiana
Innovation Frameworks (Process) Penn Medicine Center for Health Care Innovation UCLA Institute for Innovation in Health Linear Double Triangle Circular Spiral CIMIT Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology Johns John Hopkins CBID Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design Source: Innovation Centers Summit Workshop Series, Nov 2013 to Nov 2015, Penn Medicine Center for Health Care Innovation
Hybrid Multi-System Innovation Structure Source: The Innovation Institute
Innovation Engagement Models Innovation Council Workgroups – Champions IT – Regions - Other C-suite: Trinity Health Clinicians: Boston Children’s Hospital IAP Patients: Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation External Partners: Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care/InciteHealth Innovators’ Showcase Digital/MedTech Work Groups Hackathons I-Day Forums Optimized Care Teams Nurse Visits – Phone Visits Touches v. Visits Ex: Donor, Advisors & Mentors Instructor, Patients In: Dean, Center for Primary Care HBS, iLab, Tech Transfer Source: Fifth Innovation Centers Summit Workshop Engagement Panel May 2015 – Located at Mayo Center for Innovation, Rochester, MN
Thank you! Contact: Mike Squires, VP, Innovation & Public Policy BluePrint Healthcare IT mike.squires@blueprinthit.com 908.391.6191 www.blueprinthit.com/innovation Innovation Centers Summit Workshops Five since 2012
Q & A Shafiq Rab, MD, MPH Mike Squires Srab@HackensackUMC.org Jeremy Marut JMarut@HackensackUMC.org Mike Squires mike.squires@blueprinthit.com @CIOShafiq @eMikeSquires Innovation Centers Summit Workshops Five since 2012 @DirectorMarut