Notes on Motion I Frames of Reference
Yes or No Are you changing where you are at right now? In other words, are you moving? If you said “yes”, congratulations you are correct !!!!!! If you said “no”, congratulations you are correct !!!!!!
Yes to both !!!!! After your teacher drops the ball, describe its motion. Is the ball falling down to the floor? OR Is the floor rushing up to the ball?
What motion you observe depends on what you are comparing the motion too. In the video, is the sword moving or the swordsman?
If the frame of reference is the Earth, then the sword is moving. If the the frame of reference is the sword, then the person is moving
It depends on your frame of reference. When we describe motion we need to have something to compare motion too. For straight-line motion we will usually use a number line as a frame of reference This is called a frame of reference. There needs to be a reference point or a zero. For straight-line motion we will usually use a 0, the origin, as our reference point. Horizontal Motion Vertical Motion General Motion + + +
Describe or draw a diagram the motion of the Moon in a frame of reference fixed a) on the Moon. b) on the Earth. c) on the Sun.