Housing Sustainability Initiatives at The Evergreen State College presented by M’Liss DeWald, Resident Director of First-Year Housing Britt Q. Hoover, Resident Director of Apartment Housing PICTURE HERE
1.Introduction to Residential & Dining Services 2.Our Sustainable Check-In 3.The Greener Living Program 4.The Free Store 5.The Sustainability House 6.Check-Out Processes 7.Questions & Comments Agenda
Question #1: Evergreen’s official mascot is … A. The Douglas FirB. The GeoduckC. Jerry Garcia
Question #2: Evergreen’s motto Omni Extares translates into English as … A. “We, The Stewards of the Earth” B. “To preserve and to surpass” C. “Let It All Hang Out”
A. Completely carbon-neutral C. On the moon! B. Renamed The Jerry Garcia Institute of Higher Learning Question #3: By 2020, Evergreen plans to be …
Sustainability isn't just a bandwagon we're hopping onto. It's woven into the very fabric of our identity, and history, as an institution. - President Les Purce, The Evergreen State College “ ”
Working together to be a... Purposeful community where students, staff, and faculty share a passion for learning and collaborate to enhance student growth. Just community where the individual is honored, our interdependence is acknowledged, diversity is pursued, freedom of expression is protected and civility is affirmed. Sustainable community that values, cultivates and maintains its human, natural and physical resources. Introduction to Residential & Dining Services
Our Sustainable Move-in Process Purpose and Rationale: Methods: Pre-arrival to residents Arrival to campus Tutorials Sustainability welcome kits RA Training and expectations
Budget for Sustainability Check-in Packets 2009 ItemAmountEachTotal Recycling Bags1000$2.69$2, Compost Buckets1000$2.01$1, Water Bottles1000$3.24$3, Sustainability Packets1000$0.94$ Magnets1000$0.41$ Grand Totals$9.29$8,688.62
The Greener Living Program “The vision of the Greener Living Program is to instill an ethic of sustainability throughout the Evergreen State College campus community” Training and support for students through workshops, outreach and materials Staff: RAD Sustainability Intern (.30 FTE) with support from Facilities and Residence Life staff
Ban The Bottle Landfill waste reduction and recycling education campaign Raise awareness about negative impacts of plastic bottles on social, environmental and economical health Work towards eliminating and/or reducing the purchasing of plastic bottled water on campus Other initiatives: Water testing, educational resources, water taste tests, waste audits
The Edible Forest Gardens are perennial polycultures of useful plants, cultivated in a multi-layered, forest-type environment modeled after natural ecosystems. These gardens require little maintenance and are high-yielding with a variety of products, such as food plants, medicinals, fertilizer, and more.
Other Greener Living Educational Campaigns Waste audits Recyclemania Signage on every dumpster and recycling area Compost and Recycling Education (Trash Talkers) Knock & Talks Future projects: Building metering and bike loan program
27% Trash 53% Recycling 20% Compost First Year Housing Dumpsters 44% Trash 28% Compost 28% Recycling Apartment Housing Dumpsters Housing Waste Audits revealed… 1.First-year housing students need more education and support in recycling 2. Dumpsters placed next to recycling dumpsters had significantly less non-trash items
Institutional support Space Students donate what they no longer want and other students find new treasures Set regulations Coordinators The Free Store
Find volunteers and set hours Laundry Organize store Budget Benefits The Free Store
The Sustainability House Living-Learning community of residents Residents “committed to living an environmentally conscious, socially just, and sustainable lifestyle” Raised bed gardens, educational events and workshops, collaborate with other campus resources, potlucks, community action events
Residents must write essay when they apply for housing and commit to 5 hours of service to the community each month Service includes maintaining raised beds, volunteering at Free Store, planning and attending workshops, etc. Staff: Resident Director of Apartment Housing Resident Assistant Sustainability Community Educator (volunteer, 2-3 hrs/wk) RAD Sustainability Intern Administrative Information
ACPA Sustainability Learning Outcomes Each month has a learning theme, such as Food Justice, Waste Reduction, Public Transportation Bulletin boards, programming, website materials, workshops and/or lectures Examples: Weekly potluck, canning workshop, making green cleaning products, CCBLA Community Action Day, collective carbon footprint, Farmers Market Future goals: Career exploration with green businesses, careers in sustainability, etc Sustainability House Learning Curriculum
Necessary Materials & Resources 1.Departmental support 2.A flexible curriculum 3.Funding – RA budget, RHA, hall governments 4.Facilities support and expertise 5.Partnerships – Organic Farm, CCBLA
Sustainability Planning with Resident Assistants information sent Week 3 of Spring Term Every room/suite meets with RA during Week 5 – 7 Following is discussed: Who is taking what? What are we donating? Where are we donating to? Who is responsible for what items? When are individuals moving out? Any items need to be recycled a specific way (e.g. batteries)?
PODS Collect Donate Distribute No waste! Consume
Logistics Budget break down Benefits of doing the PODS Alternates to sustainable move-outs
Unit PricesUnitLine TotalNotes month/16' containers 3 Vinyl for 5'x10' 6 POD days/8 hours 1 Delivery days/20 $.69/ea 20 Office scissors, etc. 10 Gallons of perso n$ Total:$5, POD Budget 2009
Questions & Comments? us at and Thank you for attending!