Modifying the PMP (remove some GEM’s add a scintillator coordinate detector) -JJL (8/29/2012)
Trivial stuff Bob Michaels → Thia Keppel Modify the Org chart and supporting text: – Add/substitute Idaho University and St. Mary’s – W&M? – NSU?
Details From page 12: Failure of the GEM’s: The technology is well established and manufacturing failure rates are predictable. Losses can be experienced during production of GEM foils, module fabrication, testing, and commissioning. The baseline plan of the SBS Program includes parts and labor sufficient to complete 76 modules which represents a 30% margin for GEM foils (192 final units) and a 20% margin in module production (64 final units) to account for such losses and mitigate technical risk. 76 → 52 ? 30% → >30%? 192 → 120 ? 20% → 30% ? 64 → 40 ?
From Page 25: (Neutron Form Factor Project) The set of detectors needed for WBS 2 is comprised of three large arrays of GEM detectors (one with an active area of 50 x 200 cm2, in the BigBite tracker, and the second and third with an active area of 80 x 300 cm2, a veto for the hadron calorimeter). These detector layers will be comprised of arrays of GEM modules, each with a 50 x 40 cm2 effective area, with attendant electronics, both front-end and data acquisition. JLab, The College of William & Mary, The University of Virginia, and Norfolk State University will produce the deliverables for the Neutron Form Factor project: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) tracking detectors (UVa), 29 modules Front-end and data-acquisition electronics (NSU) to accompany these modules Electronics Hut, Detector Frames, and Materials needed to construct the Lead Tube Shielding, and the Lead Tube Platform for the beamline Coordinate Detector (Idaho University and St. Mary’s and …) Description of CD three → one Rewrite the rest describing the GEM and coordinate detector W&M and NSU → Idaho, St Mary’s, and … 29 → 5 NSU → UVa
Also in Neutron Form Factor KPP’s for the Coordinate Detector Modify Roles and responsibilities KPP’s ? Mahbub → Nilanga Charles → Mahbub Of course we have to update the costs and schedule (including milestones) for the Neutron Form Factor (WBS 2)