West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (WCSSF)
The West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (“WCSSF”) is an inter- club competitive league designed to provide the Recreational Plus Player a competitive experience, while focusing on equitable fair play, and good sportsmanship while providing a venue for the players to have fun.
Ben Davis, Clay County, Danville, Lebanon, Mill Creek, Montgomery County, Plainfield, Putnam County, Speedway, Tri-West, USAi, Westside United and Zionsville Each of these clubs are their own individual entity with separate bylaws, rules, governing boards, etc. In order for WCSSF to continue to operate we need a representative from each of the clubs on our board. Unfortunately, right now, there are only four clubs represented.
President – Mike Hill Vice – President – Duane Wardle Treasurer – Open Secretary – Ramona Price
Game Review – Derek Emmons Awards – Carol Banta Ethics/Risk Management – Carol Banta Scheduling – Duane Wardle Referees & Officials – Jeff Denny Website/Technology – Adam Duvall Player Liaison/Development – Mike Hill Tournament – Open
Adult Division – Carol Banta U19 Division - Open U14 Division - Open U12 Division - Open U10 Division - Open
Works alongside will all clubs Help or assist each club to insure their success within WCSSF Go to source when questions arise Ensures that the rules of WCSSF are upheld and adhered to by all clubs Clubs, initially, are responsible for ensuring that the coaches from their club are aware of the rules and understand what is expected of them, their players and their spectators If the rules are not upheld, the WCSSF will contact that club’s Rec Plus Coordinator. The WCSSF feels that the clubs responsibility to work with the coaches or teams to correct a problem first. WCSSF advise clubs as to measures that can be used to correct a problem
If problem arises that requires a suspension, sanctions or discipline, the WCSSF will first contact the club and work directly with the club to both correct the situation and to outline the details of the suspension, sanction or discipline
The WCSSF does not want to implement rule changes without first seeking the input from each of the clubs. Legal Advisor League Rules By-Laws Coaches Code of Conduct
OLD : In the Fall, the teams cannot be more than half of the roster from the previous year (Fall-Spring) unless the club only has one team in a particular division. NEW : In the Fall, the teams cannot be more than half of the maximum roster from the previous year (Fall-Spring) unless the club only has one team in a particular division.
OLD : Each team is allowed three blackout dates for the season. The blackout dates must be entered into GotSoccer when the team is registered or by the deadline date posted for the season. NEW : Each team is allowed two blackout dates for the season. The blackout dates must be entered into GotSoccer when the team is registered or by the deadline date posted for the season.
Slide Tackle allowed but highly discouraged due to the possible injury factor U10 – highly discouraged U12 – highly discouraged U14 – discouraged U19 - ??? Teaching players proper technique Understand the impact of improper slide tackle
U10 No Retry Consistency from one game to another by referees
February 1 st – Registration Opens March 5 th – Last Day to Register a team March 15 th – 1 st Draft of Schedule March 19 th – Final Draft posted April 8 th – Opening Day April 22 — Players Pass MUST be in order April 25 — Roster Freezes May 15 — Last Day for Games
May 16 & 17 — U12, U14 & U19 Tourney Check-ins May — U12, U14 & U19 Tournament May U10 Jamboree FYI’s: Easter is April 5 th ; U19’s – 6 weekends for 8 games; U10-U14 – 6 weekends for 10 games
May 21 — last day to register a team for the Summer May 28 — final schedule posted June 5 — Opening Day (8 games) July 31 — Last Game
Keep Regular Season Games to Friday-Sunday Weeknights: Leave for practices, school events and rain-outs & emergency make-up dates. Blackout Dates: Must be Submitted with team registration or ed to scheduler before the Registration Deadline to be Honored.
Coaches with more than 2 teams: CANNOT be scheduled around any longer due to growing numbers WCSSF will do its best to fit in coaches of two teams as much as possible
Game Scheduling Process 100% Manual Done so in order to incorporate all special requests as well as Club/Team Blackout Dates Generally have over 300+ “Special Requests” for a game season Do out best to honor every request
Published Schedule Once Published, it is the team’s responsibility to change with the opposing team Use GotSoccer to request game changes Log into Team Account – Go to Schedule – Click the Game Request Button to the right of the game in question. The opposing team does not have to accept a game change request. May have to offer options of differing dates/times to fit in a make-up. Send the Rec. Plus Coordinator an so they are aware of the request ASAP.
US Club Soccer members will be required to transition age grouping of teams from school-year based (Aug. 1- July 31) to calendar-year based (Jan. 1-Dec. 31) by Aug. 1, US Club Soccer members will be required to follow the U.S. Soccer mandates related to small-sided games, which also includes changes to field and goal sizes, by Aug. 1, 2017.U.S. Soccer mandates Indiana Soccer will announce changes at yearly Annual Meeting
Maximum Field Sizes changes * Number of Players * Goal Kick Playing Minutes Break Times * Ball Size Goal Size * Offside *
Align with international standard Combat Reflective Age Effect The Relative Age Effect (RAE) is a phenomenon that suggests that athletes at elite level are more likely to be born in the first 3 months after the eligibility cut-off date for a particular age group in sports. Affects all age groups The mandates don’t go into effect until the season but we have listed the season for those members adopting earlier as a best practice.
Jan. 1-Dec. 31
Saturday, February , 2016 Announce US Soccer Initiatives WCSSF will follow Indiana Soccer
Indiana Soccer Licensing US Soccer Licensing “F” License Two Hour Course, online ($25) Highly recommended for any coach and parent Video: “E” License 18 Hour Coarse Free to all Indiana Soccer Members ($6 Admin Fee) Others Licenses
Win or Lose: Take the pressure off the outcome Practice sportsmanship on and off the field Put the work into teamwork Play the no blame game Call no fouls Roll with the punches Be the example you want your kids to be
Teams need more than one coach Teaching of un-sportsman like play Sportsman Like Play
Final Thoughts & Questions These slides will be posted on the WCSSF Website.