Teacher Refresher Course Professional Learning Program Program 1 Learning Leaders: Jill Flack Maureen O’Rourke
Checking-In on our Learning Together Today Session 1: Debriefing site visits – how did they further illuminate our understanding of curriculum and effective teaching? + The role of assessment in learning. Session 2: Ideas Cafes - choices Session 3: Preparing for next classroom inquiry, self-paced learning and contributing to the the online learning community
Debriefing our School Visits Form Triads – at least one secondary per group On the Blue paper – 3 big ideas or key concepts that were important to the school you visited in their approach to teaching and learning On the yellow paper – at least 3 ‘I could do this’ ideas you have taken away from yesterday. Write in texta – you will post on wall for a Wall Walk- make sure you post your group’s ideas in one column
Wall Walks Post your groups responses together in a column One person stays by your wall to engage with walkers and explain why you have identified these particular concepts and actions Rotate after 5 mins so everyone gets to walk and talk.
What we noticed Principles of adult learning – there are connections to learning with students and principles of effective teaching Philosophies and approaches in primary and secondary overlap The ways the teachers work reflects the way the principal thinks New Q’s Could we see some responses to the selection criteria for a job applications How do we develop our teaching philosophy and refer to this in a job interview? Examples
What are the essential frameworks, policies and guidelines I need to be familiar with? How can these guide my professional learning and educational decision making so that I provide the best possible education for students? Australian System What are the essential frameworks, policies and guidelines I need to be familiar with? How can these guide my professional learning and educational decision making so that I provide the best possible education for students? Victorian System Teacher Refresher Course: Inquiry 1
TRC Learning Framework
e 5 Teacher Capabilities - Reflection Engage Develops shared norms Determines readiness for learning Establishes learning goals Develops metacognitive capacity Explore Prompts inquiry Structures inquiry Maintains session momentum Explain Presents new content Develops language and literacy Strengthens connections Elaborate Facilitates substantive conversation Cultivates higher order thinking Monitors progress Evaluate Assesses performance against standards Facilitates students self assessment
Learning Journeys Assessment as, of and for learning Using the Linking Chart – Identify what you have learned to date in this course.
Performances of Understanding Prompts Building from you you already knew Identifying what helped you to progress Showing what you now know, understand and think you can do in relation to your inquiry focus Reflecting on yourself as a learner
Using the Running Reflection scaffold Examples of when it helped to inform our teaching Examples of when it didn’t Implications for today Implications for using an INSIGHTs chart with a class in a school
Running Reflection Scaffold
Insights Chart Record your personal insights prior to MORNING TEA
Deepening our understanding of assessment Small study groups – choose a category of assessment to explore on behalf of your table Form Triads of Like Assessment Groups (As, Of or For).
Professional Reading Protocol We will be re-visiting the professional reading you did prior to today: Assessment As Learning Ch 3. Find the section of the article that relates to your category of assessment Re-read and code: = I already know OR agree with this X = I didn’t know this OR I’m not sure if I agree ? = I’ve got questions about this which are…
Reading Protocol 1.Take turns to share one example of your ✓ and ✗ codes – members of triad offer a 1 minute response 2.Take turns to share one individual question – groups discusses each Q for 3 mins each. 3.Now sort out all of the questions – try to identify themes. 4.Choose one Q that you think is a good place to start. Discuss your ideas in response to this. How could you collaboratively investigate this further?
Debriefing the Learning Brief Report Back from each Triad How could we pursue answers to our Assessment Qs? –Next site based learning day? –Self-paced learning using online wikispace materials –Other? Commitment – Make a contribution to the WikiSpace prior to Day 6: Share some answers, insights or recommendations in response to the Q you are pursuing.
Ideas Cafes What did we (your learning leaders) learn from last time? What did you learn about yourself when confronted with self-directed learning time? How can we scaffold this session to ensure that everyone has a positive learning experience? –Learning from what worked last time –Learning from what didn’t work last time
Ideas Cafes You have till Lunch time to explore your chosen area of interest Each Café has been designed with the following components –Identify the group’s questions and form smaller study groups –Choose one item to view together and one reading that is of interest to you personally –Make notes on anything that helps you gain clarity in response to your question –Share and discuss with your study group. Prepare key findings for the larger group.
Debrief the Ideas Cafes What worked better this time? What was still challenging? Implications for tackling the challenges – who needs to act? Day 6 Ideas Cafés – Identifying 3 priorities.
How have we used different types of assessment in this course? Learner Profiles and Needs Analysis Observing, listening and talking to you all Questions generated by the group INSIGHTS chart How have these informed our practice?
In Pairs – Prepare for visit next week How will you get the most from the day? In terms of progressing your curriculum, assessment and effective teaching knowledge, what will you be investigating and how? What else do you want to ask about while in the school? What’s your preference for shadow teacher?
What do I need to know, understand and be able to do in order to confidently apply for and work in a Victorian school? What would be expected of me as a professional in a Victorian school? Returning to School What is expected of me as a Victorian classroom teacher? What do I need to learn to strengthen my knowledge and capabilities in the classroom? Returning to the Classroom Teacher Refresher Course: Inquiry 2
The Online Learning Space How to access: teacherrefresher.wikispaces.com Commitments –Find and post a review one resource you found helpful that you think others in the group would also benefit from knowing about –Contribute a reflection about the site based learning days – new insights about teaching and learning in Victorian classrooms –Document your personal learning
Maureen: Jill: Maree: Ph: