E. Sanchez, J.A. López, E. Rodríguez AEMET, Madrid, Spain Contribution of AEMET to EUPORIAS
Country presence: Headquarters in Madrid. Territorial Delegations in each Autonomous Community 11 Forecasting and Monitoring Groups and one National Forecasting Centre. Izaña Atmospheric Observatory in the Canary Islands. Resources: Personnel: Staff of over 1,400, Annual budget: approx.100 M€ Research in climate related areas: Climate modelling and evaluation Generation of downscaled climate change scenarios Downscaling algorithms Analysis of series Seasonal forecasting: support to oper. activities DS + Combination Analysis of extremes Climate variability
Contribution to EUPORIAS WP12 Assessment of users' needs Expert interviews with key water, forest fires and tourism stakeholders [1 pm] WP32 Uncertainty framework Assessment and combination of climate predictions using a Bayesian approach [20 pm] WP33 Communicating levels of confidence Review of existing approaches [2 pm] WP42 Climate services prototypes Assessment of usefulness and limitations of the prototypes [4 pm] RPSS (Ranked Probability Skill Score, Epstein 1969) Lead time 1