Genital herpes infection Skin manifestations
Hepes simplex virus (II) Associated with genital infections , young sexually active adults mainly .. The primary lesions are: An erythematous plaque which is often noted initially, followed soon by grouped vesicles, which may evolve to pustules; these become eroded. Erosions are punched out and may enlarge to ulcerations.
Incubation period: 2-7 days Lesions appear on the: Glans or penile shaft in of males Uvula in females Herpes lesions may found around the anus also (in case of homosexal men ..!!)
Group of vesicles with early central crusting on a red base arising on the shaft of the penis.
shallow ulcers on the edematous vulva and perineum shallow ulcers on the edematous vulva and perineum. Micturition is often very painful. Associated inguinal lymphadenopathy is common.
Anal type of HSV(II)
Lesions are painful associated with: headache. myalgia. Fever Lesions are painful associated with: headache..myalgia..Fever ..local lymphadenopathy.. Paraesthesiae may develop (urinary retention., constipation). Skin and mucosal lesions resolves within 2-3 weeks Recurrent genital herpes: with milder and shorter manifestations and more localized lesions (after exposure to sunlight..UV light..truma to sensory nerves).
Neonatal HSV(II) infection Occurs during parturition when the mother has genital herpes (primary type !!). Clusters of vesicles , start to appear after few day to several weeks after birth.. Complications: Encephalitis..pneumonia..hepatitis..(with high mortality ).
Management 5 days of oral Acyclovir topical cream or systemic treatment (200 mg, 5 times per day ),,+ analgesics and saline baths For recurrence hygiene is all that required, in addition to counseling and prevention of transmission