Unit 1 A
To corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value Syn: Contaminate, Pollute, Sully Ant: Purify, Purge, Expurgate The toxic chemicals adulterated the town’s drinking water.
Able to use both hands equally; very skillful; deceitful; hypocritical Syn: Versatile, Facile Ant: Clumsy, All thumbs, maladroit Some students have ambidextrous abilities.
To make larger, increase Syn: Enlarge, Supplement, Amplify Ant: Decrease, Diminish The castaway lived mainly on a diet of coconuts which he managed to augment with meat.
Derived of; made unhappy through a loss Syn: Bereaved Ant: Replete, Well provided Individuals who survive a Zombie Apocalypse may eventually find themselves completely bereft of friends and family.
To position or arrange; to utilize; to form up Syn: Station, Organize A bugle call is a signal used to deploy troops for inspection, parade, or battle.
Ajc.com Stern, Unyielding, Gloomy, Ill-humored Syn: Harsh, Bleak, Forbidding, Saturnine Ant: Cheery, Inviting, Genial The dour expressions on the juror’s faces as they grimly filed back into the courtroom did not bode well for the defendant.
Elcivics.com Courage in facing difficulties Syn: Resolve, Steadfastness, Mettle Ant: Fearfulness, Timidity, Faintheartedness America’s earliest settlers faced the hardships of life on the frontier with faith and fortitude.
To stare with open mouth: to open the mouth wide; to open wide Syn: Gawk, Ogle The gaping mouths awaited their food impatiently.
Waysandhow.com (v.) To utter taunting words; (n.) An expression of scorn Syn: (v.) Ridicule, Mock, Deride, Jeer Ant: (n.) Compliment, Praise The seniors’ gibe hurt Lesley’s feelings.
Images from: aveleyman.com Jbowmancantsleep.blogspot.com An external appearance, Cover, Mask Syn: Costume, Semblance, Pretense The thief gained entry to the home by presenting himself in the guise of a police officer.