In YOUR Classroom
When did 3D printing really begin? In 1984, Chuck Hull of 3D Systems Corporation, developed a prototype system based on this process known as stereolithography. His creation is now the name of the common form of file types used on most 3D printers - *.stlstereolithography
The printer is controlled by a computer software program. Plastic filament is loaded into the “extruder” The nozzle heats the plastic filament and the computer software instructs the printer where the design is to be printed on the platform. The heated plastic hardens as it is printed onto the platform. The 3D object is formed 1 layer at a time. Objects can be anywhere from 40 layers to 400 layers or more. The more layers – the longer the print.
Anything you imagine! Most “home use” printers use a type of plastic called ABS or PLA. These are good for models or replicas of anything you desire – from prosthetic hands to plastic gears for home made robots. There are printers that can also print in many other types of materials: Wood filament Gold/silver Flexible plastic Organic Material Concrete Metal Food seconds
Create inventions Print 3D replicas to better understand concepts Design your own 3D printed art Create parts for a robot Turn your drawings into 3D designs Print models of historical structures Print your Minecraft world! Any project you can imagine! Any project you can imagine! Can’t imagine anything? Try thingiverse for project ideas!thingiverse
iPad apps – You can create and then an.stl file to someone with a printer or you can upload designs to companies and they will print them for you (for a fee) MORPHI MORPHI Sculpteo Sculpteo Let’s Create Pottery Let’s Create Pottery Or an ONLINE site called TinkercadTinkercad Try it now! – In groups, you will create a UNIQUE design promoting St. Jerome using the iPads and Morphi. Most original design will be printed by the end of the day!