mamamong baby love nature love Bedding of Korea Inc.
√ Design Detail Combination of various colors in the U-shaped basic line keep pillows fresh and lovely and cute animal-shaped motifs are used which are lovely enough to stimulate children’s curiosity Size : 50cm * 80cm Inside of body pillow : Bead-shaped charcoal Zippers at the top of the product and lining : Quantity of filling(bead-shaped charcoal) can be adjustable. An outer cover can be removed and washed. Adorable Body Pillows Bear / Angel / Mong / Panda / Giraffe / Dragon U / Dragon BearAngel Mong Product Outline Panda GiraffeDragon U Dragon
Microfiber cotton (eco-friendly fiber, antibacterial test certification completed No dust or wastes ; the perforations of microfiber facilitates air ventilation, thus creating environment where mites and germs cannot inhabit. As compared to other cottons, it is thinner and more fine so that it contains more air (higher than feathers), thus providing more warmth. It can be wholly washable in water and dried very fast., It is dried seven times as fast as ordinary fibers. (perforated sections in microfibers absorb much more moisture than ordinary fibers do) Advanced silver nano technology is applied to microfiber cotton “No clump and washable in water, microfiber cotton is lighter and warmer than duck down” Overview of our Product Product Outline Why “ mamamong ”..?! Healthy new material bio bead-shaped charcoal (the advanced new material keeping antibacterial over 99.5%) Material in which dust, germs, mites, insects etc cannot inhabit It weighs moderately, can freely take form and be used as good support It does not produce environmental hormones and is non-toxic plastic without heavy metals (no smell or change in wearing comfort) Unlike other pillow fillings, it can be used in a clean and semi-permanent condition Grains about 2mm in size like buckwheat “Highly antibacterial and semi-permanent bead-shaped charcoal ” Linen out natural fiber (vegetable fiber) (as safe against allergy as natural fibers Bio washing linen fiber: fabric less shrinks due to washing and processing (natural dying ) Though it gets smoother with use, it is two times as durable as cotton(most durable out of natural fibers) As residue together with fine dust comes off with use, it is much more clean and safe against skin diseases like atopy Linen is better in absorbing and dried faster than cotton “Safe against skin diseases such as atopy, allergy etc and it is natural fiber which gets smoother with use”
Prevents a baby from overturning (Prevent Sleep Apnea ) Filling can take various forms and its height can be adjustable by adjusting its quantity to make a baby feel comfortable for sleep It presses the blanket while a baby sleeps, providing warmth and comfort to help the baby to soundly sleep. Supports a baby while being breast-fed “mamamong Body Pillow which helps a baby to sleep well” Overview of our Product Product Outline How to use “ mamamong ”
Our Company History 2015 Bedding of Korea Inc. We Born 세계 한상 대회 경주 Seoul Design Festival Samsung COEX Mar 13May Oct 13~15 Nov 5~8 Dec 2~6 Corporation Name : Bedding of Korea Date of Establishment : March 13, 2015 Representative(Individual Representative) : Song Hyen Ji, Lee Jin Ah (same interests of 50% and 50%) Status of Intellectual Property Rights : Design registration (under way) / Brand name mamamong: trademark application and registration at home & China (under way) √ mamamong A compound made of ‘mama’ + mong 夢 ( ‘dream’) means presenting a baby with plush bedding as warm as a mother’s bosom. Premium brand which produces functional baby beddings made of natural vegetable fibers (cellulose fibers ) G-Fair 일산 킨텍스 GROWTH 강남구청 청년창업지원센터입주 Company profile
You can feel free to contact us if you have any question. Contact Us CS Center Info. E- mail 서울시 강남구 논현로 419 PMK 빌딩 1113 호 ( ) #1113ho 419 Nomnhyunro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Korea Homepage Address Tel. THANK YOU VERY MUCH