WIRELESS INTELLIGENT NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIORITY ACCESS SERVICE (WIP) Overview for TR WIN Working Group Carol-Lyn Taylor Office of the Manager National Communications System Manager, Wireless Priority Services D
PURPOSE To Present the National Communication System’s (NCS) Contribution for Priority Access Service (PAS) in Wireless Networks to Support the Nation’s Vital National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) Need Via a Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN)-Based Approach 2
D CONTRIBUTOR: NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 3 NS/EP Support A JOINT GOVERNMENT / INDUSTRY PLANNING PROCESS National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee CHAIR: Daniel P. Burnham President and CEO President and CEO Raytheon Company Raytheon Company 30 Senior Executives from Industry Provides Industry-based Recommendations to President on NS/EP Telecommunications Executive Office of the President Executive Agent (Secretary Of Defense) Office of the Manager, NCS (OMNCS) (Manager, Deputy Manager, Programs) 22 Federal Departments and Agencies and Agencies Provide Government-based Perspectives on NS/EP Issues for Telecommunications Organization Responsible for Coordinating the Nation’s Critical National Security Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications (
D Presidential MemorandumConstituted the NCS1963 Presidential Directive 53National Security1979 Telecommunications Policy National Security Decision National Security1983 Directive 97 Telecommunications Policy Executive Order 12472NS/EP Functions1984 Executive Order 12656Emergency Preparedness 1988 Responsibilities Federal Response PlanCommunications Annex NCS LEGISLATIVE AND PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY
D KEY TERMS NS/EP Telecommunications Telecommunications Services Used to Maintain a State of Readiness and Respond to and Manage any Event or Crisis (Local, National, or International) that Causes / Could Cause Injury or Harm to the Population, Damage to or Loss of Property, or Degrade or Threaten the National Security or Emergency Preparedness Posture of the US Ubiquity and Robustness of US’ Public Switched Telecommunications Network Leveraged to Provide Services to NS/EP Users High Probability of Completion (HPC) Codepoint (ANSI T ) ANSI-standard Special Indicator Carried through Network with Call Setup Signaling to Identify Call as an NS/EP Call Triggers HPC-based Network Features and Services, Providing Special Treatment that Increases Probability that NS/EP Calls Will Be Completed Examples Include Trunk Queuing and Exemption from Restrictive Network Management Controls Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Provider (per FCC Order) Includes Cellular, Broadband PCS and SMR Licensees, Satellite and Air-to-Ground Systems and Other Mobile Service Providers Does Not Include Agents of These Licensed Providers or Resellers of CMRS Service 5
D Review of Actions to Date Basis for Need FCC 2nd Report and Order for PAS WIN Implementation of PAS (WIP) (Overview) Recommendation/Next Steps PRESENTATION OUTLINE 6
D REVIEW OF ACTIONS TO DATE Overview to TR-45 Plenary9 March 2000 FCC 2nd Report and Order3 July 2000 for Priority Access Service (PAS) Overview to TR August 2000 Presentation Copy to CTIA for ReviewSeptember/October Presentation of SRD to TR November 2000 Added to TR Work Candidates Forwarded to TR for Review/Project Consideration Update and SRD Overview to TR-4529 November 2000 Remanded to TR-45.2 for Standard Development TR-45.4 and Authentication Group to Review/Comment Presentation of SRD to TR December 2000 SRDStandard Requirements Document 7
D BASIS FOR NEED FOR PRIORITY RADIO CHANNEL ACCESS NCS Petition to FCC for Rulemaking - 19 October 1995 To Allow Authorized Priority Users to Gain Access to Next Available Open Channel Before Subscribers Not Engaged in NS/EP Functions Priority Access to Wireless Spectrum in Times of Heavy Demand is a Critical Requirement of NS/EP Telecommunications (Hurricanes, Terrorist Attacks, Flooding, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, War) Presidential Direction to NCS in Early 1995 to Implement Wireless Priority Services: Cellular Priority Access Services Subgroup Formed under NSTAC Wireless Services Task Force Both Government and Industry Involvement 8 Radio Channel (at Origination and Termination) Most Likely Point of Congestion and Area of Greatest Concern
D FCC 2ND REPORT AND ORDER FOR PRIORITY ACCESS SERVICE AND WIP STAGE 1 (Proposed) 9 Max Puckett DynCorp Information Systems Wireless Engineering Manager GETS Integration Contract Overview for TR WIN Working Group
D Fully Responds to NCS’ 19 October 1995 Petition for PAS to Meet Nation’s National Defense and Security Need (effective 10 October 2000) Allows Authorized NS/EP Users in Emergency to Gain Access to the Next Available Wireless Channel Permits, But Does Not Require, CMRS Providers to Offer PAS to NS/EP Personnel at Federal, State and Local Levels and in Industry Providers Choosing to Offer PAS are Required to Adhere to Uniform Operating Protocols Providers May Limit PAS to a Portion of their Spectrum Removes Major Liability Concerns for CMRS Providers Offering PAS NCS to Have Day-to-Day Responsibility for Overall PAS Program PRIORITY ACCESS SERVICE (PAS) FCC : 2ND REPORT AND ORDER CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Service) = Cellular, PCS, SMR, Paging, Satellite and Air-to-Ground 10
D PAS DESCRIPTION Annex B, Part 64, Chapter 1, Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations Priority Access Service for National Security and Emergency Preparedness Provides Means for Qualified and Authorized NS/EP Users to Obtain Priority Access to Available Radio Channels at Air Interface Origination and/or Termination in a Call Path Involving Wireless When Necessary to Initiate Emergency Calls Qualified Users of PAS are those NS/EP personnel who meet the criteria of and have been assigned one of the five PAS levels as described in the FCC Order Authorized Users of PAS are those NS/EP personnel who have been validated for PAS through NCS Processes (Appendix A to SRD). 11 To Be Available to Authorized NS/EP Users At All Times in Equipped Wireless Markets Where Service Provider Has Chosen to Offer Such Service Authorized Users to Activate Feature on a Per Call Basis To Be Used During Situations When CMRS Network Congestion is Blocking Call Attempts Does Not Preempt Calls in Progress Five Priority Levels Reserved for NS/EP Users, and These Users Provided Access to Wireless Channels Before Any Other Wireless Callers
D Individuals at Federal, State or Local Level, or in Private Industry, Whose Mission Supports: National Security Leadership National Security Leadership National Security Posture and US Population Attack Warning National Security Posture and US Population Attack Warning Public Health, Safety, and Maintenance of Law and Order Public Health, Safety, and Maintenance of Law and Order Public Welfare and Maintenance of National Economic Posture Public Welfare and Maintenance of National Economic Posture NS/EP PERSONNEL 12 PAS to be Limited to Key Personnel and Those in NS/EP Leadership Positions - Not Intended for Use by All Emergency Service Personnel
D Conformance with FCC Order for PAS Provide NS/EP Users a High Probability of Access to Radio Channels during Emergency NS/EP Events Causing/Experiencing Severe Congestion Minimal Burden to Vendors with Minimal Cost to Develop Minimal Burden to Carriers with Minimal Cost to Deploy and Operate As Quickly As Possible to Market with the Broadest Accessibility by Authorized Users User Authorization Divorced from the Physical Device for Both Flexibility Today and Consistency With Future Technology Trends Easy to Use OMNCS OBJECTIVES FOR WIN IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIORITY ACCESS SERVICE (WIP) 14
D PAS Calls Encountering a No Radio (Voice) Available Condition in a Cell, At Origination and/or Termination, Are Queued and Processed for the Next Available Channel in the Cell - Managed via a Service Logic Program (SLP) in a WIN SCP Queued Call(s) are Processed by the Originating and/or Terminating MSC, as Appropriate, Based on Instructions from a WIN SCP and Supporting Message Flow between the MSC and SCP PAS Calling Party Authorization and Priority Level Determination at Call Origination are Made by a Check in a PAS Field (or Fields) in a Database Maintained in an HLR, WIN SCP or Other Appropriate Platform WIP: Proposed Stage 1 Overview
D At Call Origination: If No Radio (Voice) Channel Available, If NS/EP User Authorized (via HLR, WIN SCP, Similar Platform), If PAS Dialing Pattern Recognized, Then Call Queued in SCP for Cell Serving the NS/EP User, Call Processed for the Next Available Radio Channel in that Cell in Accordance with the NS/EP User’s Priority Level and Call Initiation Time, and NS/EP Call Indicator(s) Set in Call Setup Signaling to Mark as NS/EP Call. Cell Site ORIGINATING MSC NS/EP User Radio (Voice) Channel at Origination STP Switch/Mobility Manager WIN SCP Q Radio (Voice) Channel Traffic Signaling Q PAS Call Queue at WIN SCP WIP: Proposed Stage 1 Overview (continued)
D WIN SCP Cell Site Switch/Mobility Manager TERMINATING MSC Radio (Voice) Channel at Termination NS/EP Call (PAS / HPC Indicator) STP Q At Call Termination: If No Radio (Voice) Channel Available, If NS/EP Call Indicator Recognized in Incoming Call, (Indicator in SS7 Calling Party Category / ANSI-41 Signaling, etc.) Then Call Queued in SCP for Cell Serving the Called Party, and Processed For Next Available Radio Channel in That Cell. 17 Radio (Voice) Channel Traffic Signaling Q PAS Call Queue at WIN SCP WIP: Proposed Stage 1 Overview (continued)
D Applicability to Telecommunications Services PAS Applicable to Authorized NS/EP Voice Telecommunications Services that Require a Radio (Voice) Channel Assignment PAS Applicable to Authorized NS/EP Voice Telecommunications Services that Require a Radio (Voice) Channel Assignment WIP Applicable to Services that Employ WIN Technologies WIP Applicable to Services that Employ WIN Technologies PAS and Its Implementation via WIN May Be Applicable in Future to Other NS/EP Telecommunications (e.g., Data) PAS and Its Implementation via WIN May Be Applicable in Future to Other NS/EP Telecommunications (e.g., Data) 18 WIP: Proposed Stage 1 Overview (continued)
D NEW CAPABILITIES EXPLORED DURING INVESTIGATION OF WIP WIN Standard (IS-771) New “Origination_Denied” Detection Point New “No_Radio_Available” Triggers for NS/EP Calls At Origination: In New “Origination_Denied” Detection Point At Origination: In New “Origination_Denied” Detection Point At Termination: In “T_Busy” Detection Point At Termination: In “T_Busy” Detection Point New Programmable Call Establishment Capability New Supporting Messages (MSC WIN SCP) MSC/Base Station WIN Call Model Capabilities for Reserving Next Available Radio Channel Distinctive Indications When Call Queued (Origination and Termination) NS/EP Call Indicator Signaling (SS7, Intra-MSC and Inter-MSC) WIN Call Model Capability for Programmable Call Establishment SCP Service Logic NS/EP PAS Authorization and Queuing Service Logic Program NS/EP Call Establishment Program (2-Party Call Initiation) GETS MOBILE SWITCH PSN GETS SWITCH ACCESS MANAGER GETS IC 19
D POSSIBLE APPROACH TO WIP ORIGINATION GETS MOBILE SWITCH PSN GETS SWITCH ACCESS MANAGER GETS IC Detection Point Detection Point: No triggers defined in IS-771 Point in Call O_Null O_Disconnect DP O_Abandon DP Origination_Attempt DP origination_denied O_Exception Origination_Attempt_Authorized DP Origination_Denied DP Radio Channel Assignment Authorize_Origination_Attempt WIN BASIC CALL STATE MODEL - ORIGINATION (EXTRACT) PAS Call SCF (WIN SCP) WIP Service Logic Program Collect_Information 20 ADD NEW “ORIGINATION_DENIED” DETECTION POINT AND NO_RADIO_AVAILABLE TRIGGER TO THE ORIGINATION BCSM When No Radio Channel Available, Triggers on Pattern Recognition of PAS Digits
D POSSIBLE APPROACH TO WIP TERMINATION GETS MOBILE SWITCH PSN GETS SWITCH ACCESS MANAGER GETS IC WIN BASIC CALL STATE MODEL - TERMINATION (EXTRACT) T_Abandon DP Termination_Attempt_Authorized DP Facility_Selected_and_Available DP Termination_Attempt DP termination_denied SS7_failure T_Busy DP T_Exception Select_FacilityT_NullPresent_Call T_Disconnect DP SCF (WIN SCP) Authorize_Termination_Attempt NS/EP Call (with HPC or PAS Indicator) WIP Service Logic Program Detection Point Detection Point: No triggers defined in IS-771 Point in Call ADD NEW NO_RADIO_AVAILABLE TRIGGER TO THE T_BUSY DETECTION POINT IN THE TERMINATION BCSM Upon Recognition of the HPC Codepoint or PAS Indicator in the Incoming Call, Triggers When No Radio Channel Available. 21 Radio Channel Assignment
D SUMMARY NS/EP Users Have an Urgent Need for Priority Access to the Air-Interface FCC PAS Order Sets Stage for a Capability that is WIN Considered Most Appropriate Approach Lawful, Voluntary, Addresses Carrier Liability, and Fully Meets NS/EP Users’ Need 22
D RECOMMENDATIONAND NEXT STEPS 23 Overview for TR WIN Working Group Carol-Lyn Taylor Office of the Manager National Communications System Manager, Wireless Priority Services
D RECOMMENDATION 24 That TR Expeditiously Undertake This Work to Address the Nation’s Vital National Security and Emergency Preparedness Need by Requesting WIP Standard Development Project for 2001 from TR-45.2
D Initiate Standard Development Provide Additional Details on Possible Approaches (via Appendix D to SRD) Continue to Solicit Industry Assistance, Support and Feedback Provide Support to TR , and Others, in Standard Development NEXT STEPS 25