DGS Town Hall Director Fred Klass December 4, 2012
DGS staff are guided in their work by the department’s Core Values: Integrity Accountability Communication Excellence Innovation Teamwork DGS provides excellent customer service while still executing its oversight responsibilities. Our customers come to us, not because they have to, but because they want to. “Excellence in the Business of Government”— Not just a slogan, but a reality. Increase efficiency, by reducing costs while maintaining or improving services.
DGS staff are guided in their work by the department’s Core Values A Values Culture Values Team developed significant material explaining the meaning of the Core Values and how they can be practiced in everyday work Values Team launched a department-wide recognition program Core Values included in New Employee Orientation Core Values included in JOB bulletins, a factor in hiring and promotion Training Resurrected the training program Promoting excellence, communication and innovation through education and sharing knowledge
DGS staff are guided in their work by the department’s Core Values Communication Town Halls Suggestion Box (over 400 so far) News & Notes Organizational Health Survey Now conducting the biennial survey to monitor the organizational health of DGS Your opportunity to help identify where DGS is doing well and where further improvement is needed
DGS provides excellent customer service while still executing its oversight responsibilities. “Our customers come to us, not because they have to, but because they want to.” Customer Satisfaction Survey Over 10,000 surveys sent, over 2,400 responses, over 1,100 individual narrative comments 71 percent Satisfied or Very Satisfied, 15 percent Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied, 14 percent neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Each division developed plans to address negative ratings and responded to individual comments Kudos from Customers Fewer Customer Complaints
“Excellence in the Business of Government”—not just a slogan, but a reality Governor’s Green Building Executive Order (EO B-18-12) Aggressive energy reduction targets for state government DGS playing a major planning and implementation role DGS Green Roundtable—A “One DGS” Effort Already achieved reduction of 32 million kilowatt hours and 1 million therms of natural gas—equivalent to 28,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases Governor’s Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) Executive Order (EO B-16-12) DGS played a major role in developing the ZEV implementation plan Installed 24 vehicle charging stations Added 10 new electric vehicles to the DGS rental fleet
“Excellence in the Business of Government”—not just a slogan, but a reality Procurement Division Pharmacy Procurement Collaborative This PD initiative brought together for the first time the various state entities that purchase pharmaceuticals to collaborate on leveraging procurement Small Business/Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise unit received multiple individual and group awards for their continuing excellence in providing SB/DVBE contracting opportunities Office of Fleet and Asset Management Vehicle Reduction Reduced more than 7,000 vehicles, eliminating cost of operation Developed a comprehensive database and automated tool for tracking the size and usage of departments’ fleets Implemented a call center to assist persons with questions or problems regarding their state vehicles
“Excellence in the Business of Government”—not just a slogan, but a reality Real Estate Services Division’s Inland Empire Transportation Management Center: Awarded “Project of the Year” by the California Transportation Foundation. Real Estate Services Division’s Metro State Hospital Kitchen Project: Awarded “Project of the Year” by Foodservice Equipment and Supplies Organization. The RESD Professional Services Branch presented with a Green Leadership Award at the Green California Summit For the first time ever, the Division of the State Architect reduced the number of uncertified school construction projects.
“Excellence in the Business of Government”—not just a slogan, but a reality DSA established precedent setting standards for installing renewable energy devices such as solar panels The Office of State Publishing presented with a Gold Ink Award—one of the publishing industry’s most prestigious awards The Office of Public School Construction initiated an effort in which OPSC, DSA and the Department of Education for the first time collaborate to develop an integrated system of tracking school projects as they follow through their individual approval processes The Office of Administrative Hearings worked with DGS Public Affairs to produce a video to help parties coming before an Administrative Law Judge learn how to prepare for an administrative hearing
Increase efficiency, by reducing costs while maintaining or improving services Efficiency measures that benefit departments statewide RESD has renegotiated over 300 leases saving over $152 million over the terms of the leases The Office of Risk Management implemented an online defensive driver training course reducing departments’ costs for this training by 90 percent ORIM initiated a new equipment maintenance and management insurance program that will replace multiple service contracts and generate savings of 25 percent OSP eliminated the production of unnecessarily large quantities of documents saving $186,000 annually OFAM implemented a consolidated travel services program that will save departments approximately $1.9 million annually
Increase efficiency, by reducing costs while maintaining or improving services Efficiency Measures in DGS Operations Approximately $33 million reduced from DGS’ budget by divisions increasing the use of technology, streamlining work processes and eliminating non-essential expenditures OPSC converted the State Allocation Board meeting materials from a paper format to an electronic format IT unit will be converting DGS phones to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), downsizing and upgrading DGS’ data center, and instituting other IT improvements DSA is developing a system that will enable field inspectors to make plan notes, submit reports, and perform other tasks while in the field, instead of having to travel back to the office to do these tasks
Increase efficiency, by reducing costs while maintaining or improving services Efficiency Measures in DGS Operations (Cont’d.) Consolidated Administrative Services Initiative (CASI) Program Support Accounting Section (PSAS) is online, consolidating enterprise-wide pre-accounting functions The Office of Business and Acquisition Services (OBAS) is online, working to improve purchasing CASI is moving forward—it’s not just about reducing cost, it’s also about improving customer service
The Department of General Services was established in 1963 and it turns 50 in Its success is a result of the people who work there. In fact, DGS is the people who work here—you and me. As our organization turns 50, I challenge us all to work every day to make and keep DGS well respected, value-based and customer-centered.