FY14 BUDGET PRESENTATION September 2013 Board of Regents Meeting
Enrollment FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14 Actual Budgeted Resident 1,4611,3871,4241,3651,390 WUE Non-resident Total 1,5471,4151,4651,4091,430 Undergraduate Graduate GFC MSU 1,5471,4151,4651,4091,430 Total 1,5471,4151,4651,4091,430 Gallatin College numbers are included in FY10 figures. FY14 Budgeted increase reflects reinstatement of the Nursing Program and the expansion of the Welding Program.
Expenditures per FTE FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14Growth Actual ActualsBudgetedRate $7,231$7,189$7,110$7,470$7,7801.8% Gallatin College numbers are included in FY10 figures. Consistent 50%+ instructional expenditures Consistent 70%+ instructional/academic support/student services expenditures Increase from FY13 to FY14 reflects new faculty and staff positions and escalations in salary and employee health care expenses. (51% of budgetary increase resulted from negotiated salary expenses and mandatory employee health care expenses.)
Expenditures by Program FY10FY11FY12FY13 FY14 Actual BudgetedActualBudgeted 01 - Instruction $ Expenditures $6,066,408$5,341,545$5,220,492$5,756,094$5,490,481$5,818,592 Percent of Total 54.2%52.5%50.1%52.4%52.2%52.3% 02 - Research $ Expenditures $0 Percent of Total 0.0% 03 - Public Service $ Expenditures $57,859$52,487$47,969$51,407$48,910$56,081 Percent of Total 0.5% 04 - Academic Support $ Expenditures $1,487,057$1,373,057$1,215,728$1,231,464$1,126,536$1,022,856 Percent of Total 13.3%13.5%11.7%11.2%10.7%9.2% 05 - Student Services $ Expenditures $737,692$819,644$1,030,305$1,163,196$1,096,543$1,207,743 Percent of Total 6.6%8.1%9.9%10.6%10.4%10.9% 06 - Institutional Support $ Expenditures $1,418,987$1,153,241$1,338,092$1,387,763$1,395,556$1,561,649 Percent of Total 12.7%11.3%12.8%12.6%13.3%14.0% 07 - Plant O & M $ Expenditures $1,188,401$1,192,224$1,325,876$1,174,022$1,031,704$1,129,607 Percent of Total 10.6%11.7%12.7%10.7%9.8%10.2% 08 - Scholarship and Fellowships $ Expenditures $230,600$240,215$237,998$221,358$335,634$329,396 Percent of Total 2.1%2.4%2.3%2.0%3.2%3.0% Total $ Expenditures $11,187,003$10,172,413$10,416,460$10,985,304$10,525,364$11,125,924 Percent of Total 100.0%
Faculty and Staff Ratios MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY FY09 Actual FY10 Actual FY11 Actual FY12 Actual FY13 Actual FY13 Budgeted FY14 Budgeted Great Falls College MSU Student FTE to Contract Faculty Ratio Student FTE to Contract Admin/Pro Ratio Student FTE to Classified Employee Ratio Student FTE to Contract Faculty Ratio: new positions in Welding, Math, and Humanities/Fine Arts. Student FTE to Admin/Pro Ratio: reinstatement of Nursing Director and reallocation of salary expense from grants to Current Unrestricted Fund (CUF). Student FTE to Classified Employee Ratio: new positions in Financial Aid, Welding, and reallocation of salary expense from grants to CUF.