AP Agenda for March 18/19 FEEDBACK ON THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET RESULTS Here is how you as a class compare to your midterm average, the national average, Florida average, and the average of the students who took the exam for my class last school year: Score Mango Your Midterm Last Year’sFlorida National ScoresStudents ScoresScores Average Average** On AP Exam 55%0%3 % 8%11% 414%9%16%13%20% 348%43%40%21%30% 214%43%36%24%28% 15%3%5%34%12% * This is based on the average in two of my four classes that I have thus far graded. **The Florida Average shows the scores on ALL AP exams taken last year, as it is not broken down by subject area.
Agenda continued…. Daily Objective: To analyze your results on your latest AP exam so you pass your AP exam in May. Daily Assignments: ◦Go over feedback on AP Exam ◦Pass out papers; get organized for next week’s notebook check (March 27/28), including submitting favorite JQ to Discussion Board of by March 28www.turnitin.com ◦Do Reflection on The House on Mango Street AP Exam and submit it to by March 20 at 11:59 pm (if you do not finish in class) ◦Do Peer Editing of all three essays given to you You will mark five comments on EACH essay (spelling, punctuation, transition, usage, or other errors) You should also write one comment on the end as to what is strong in this essay and one comment on what could be better. Each comment should not be longer than a “tweet.” ◦Read like a Rock Star while not working on reflection/peer editing assignment; you can also work on assignments for RLARS
AP Agenda for March 20/21 Daily Objective: To watch a wonderful example of the very rare times when a movie is better than the book (and to see a vivid example of Early American literature). Daily Assignments: ◦Begin watching The Last of the Mohicans to introduce Early American Literature unit; as you watch it fill out Study Guide on p. 371 ◦RLARS for the last part of class
AP Agenda for March 22 Daily Objective: To watch a wonderful example of the very rare times when a movie is better than the book (and to see a vivid example of Early American literature). Daily Assignments: ◦Finish watching The Last of the Mohicans and turn in your study guide on it ◦Your RLARS quiz on your individual book will be next class period; I will also collect your notebook next week—so work on either of these for the latter part of the period
ENC 1102 Agenda for March 19 Daily Objective: To appreciate the wonderful poets of the Romantic Age in England. Daily Assignments: ◦Return papers and get notebook organized, as I will be collecting it next week on March 27. On March 28, you will also need to submit a “favorite journal” to the Discussion Board of (and this includes students from ENC 1101) ◦Read: “White Lies” “Dulce et Decorum Est” “Silence” “Grass” “Jabberwocky” Write a poem told largely in quotations, on the topic of war, or containing nonsense words (while still making sense) Do Choral Reading of a poem from the Romantic Age (you should choose from the authors William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, John Keats, or Percy Bysshe Shelley)
ENC 1102 Agenda for March 21 Daily Objective: To continue to appreciate the great and creative American and British poets that are masters of the English language Daily Assignments: ◦Assign Poem Analysis Essay—Rough draft is due March 26 (and we will work on it in class on March 25) ◦Assign Poetry Alive—due April 5 (same day as Book Talk) ◦Read: “next to of course god america i” “Driving to Town to Mail a Letter” “Birthday Cake” “Metaphors” “Turtle” “Recital” “The Hippopotamus” “We Real Cool” “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” Write one of the following poems: ◦ Containing no capitalization or punctuation ◦ About a birthday memory