GAO and Inspector General Reports: A Review of Recent Audits Ivan Graff, P.E., CFM, PMP, CCP, LEED AP
Focus on Recent Engagements with the GAO High Risk List 2015: Managing Federal Real Property Report : Improve the Homeless Assistance Program Report : Focus Needed to Manage Warehouse Portfolio Report : Improve Disposition Planning Report : Better Data to Facilitate Property Disposal May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training2
High Risk List 2015: Managing Real Property May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training3 Issues – 1. Holding excess and underutilized property 2. Relying on costly leases 3. Securing real property 4. Reporting inaccurate data: Space Reductions Utilization Assessments Structure Records Cost Savings Claims Our 12 Year Anniversary (2003 – 2015)
More Useful Information to Providers Could Improve the Homeless Assistance Program May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training4 Background: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (1987) Providers have struggled to locate, acquire property GAO’s Big Questions How do agencies identify and transfer property? What could change to improve the process? GAO Findings and Recommendations Of 40,000 evaluations, 122 transferred Just 81 remain active Recommendation: Limit the scope of assets reportable to HUD GAO Properties Transferred (3/2014)
Strategic Focus Needed to Help Manage Vast and Diverse Warehouse Portfolio May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training5 Background: Concern over their utilization, especially leased ones Engagement involved GSA, DOI, and DOE only GAO’s Big Questions What do agencies know about their warehouses? What acquisition, management and disposition challenges do agencies face? GAO Recommendations to GSA Make utilization and status determinations transparent. Develop a long-term warehouse strategy Recommend efficient and effective practices GAO ,081 Warehouses, 89.5M square feet
Better Prioritization and Life Cycle Cost Analysis would Improve Disposition Planning May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training6 Background: Deputy Secretary Program Decision Memorandum (2006) EM does not accept assets without identifying funding GAO’s Big Questions Has EM accepted any transfer requests since 2006? How does EM address such assets in its prioritization? GAO Recommendations to EM Integrate NNSA facilities in its plans and consider: The risks they pose Their lifecycle costs GAO assets in need of funds for transfer
Better Data and a More Proactive Approach Needed to Facilitate Property Disposal 7 Background: Senator L. Alexander (R-TN) requested audit; began 3/2014 Nagging issues: complete and timely data; consistency across databases; public engagement; reuse where possible GAO’s Recommendations Ensure data accurately indicates status and major milestones for facilities in need of, undergoing, or that completed D&D Clarify roles, responsibilities, and procedures for identifying and transferring assets appropriate for economic development What OAPM has done so far - Memorandum on Notifications of Available Property Under 10 CFR 770 ( 03/10/15 ) Discussions with EM on its FIMS status data needs GAO ,000 disposals 21 transfers by sale May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training
Focus on U. S. Department of Energy Inspector General Audits and Reports: Management of Unneeded Real Estate OAS-L Management of High-Risk Excess Facilities IG-0931 Argonne Nat’l Laboratory Infrastructure Projects OAS-M May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training8
Management of Unneeded Real Estate May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training9 What bothered the IG: Cost avoidance claims in the Real Property Cost Savings and Innovation Plan associated with Yucca Mountain. Variances suspected between FIMS and site data. What the IG found: In 2012, the Department disposed of just 13.5% of the building area comprised by its 994 excess assets. Minor variances between FIMS and site data due to the age of the data. A number of NNSA assets in poor condition awaiting D&D. What the IG suggested (no recommendations) : Updating FIMS data more frequently than once a year.
Management of High-Risk Excess Facilities May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training10 What bothered the IG: Six years following their identification for transfer for D&D, 234 out of 292 assets remained unaddressed. Several assets posed significant safety and health risks. What the IG found: EM did not have a transfer schedule. An additional 140 assets seem appropriate for transfer. What the IG recommended : Compiling information on DOE excess contaminated facilitates useful to policy makers. Prioritizing the disposition of all excess contaminated facilities based on risk.
Argonne National Laboratory Infrastructure Projects May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training11 What bothered the IG: Infrastructure modernization remains on the IG watch list. Between FY 2010 & 2013, ANL spent $127M on 243 GPPs including IGPPs. What the IG found: Four of 10 IGPPs seemed to benefit a single program. What the IG recommended to MA : Review IGPP related direction in DOE O430.1B, Attch. 6 Determine if the four projects seem like legitimate IGPPs.
About Institutional General Plant Projects (and about general plant projects too!) May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training12
Statutory Basis for Plant Projects May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training13 Authority derived from 50 USC 2741, 2743, 2746, & Equates “ minor construction ” and “ general plant projects. ” Sets a $10M ceiling for minor construction, including up to $1M for design. Seemingly only applies to activities authorized under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). As a matter of policy, DOE has: Extended the authority to authorities not granted under NDAA (i.e., non-defense). Exempted non-defense applications of the authority from reporting to Congress.
Institutional General Plant Projects (IGPPs) 14 Source: DOE O430.1B, Attachment 6. New construction and betterment projects of a general institutional nature Identified in the Ten Year Site Plan and approved by the LPSO Identified in the Integrated Facilities and Infrastructure Crosscut Budget Each IGPP must achieve all of the following criteria: Benefits multiple cost objectives. Serves general-purpose site wide needs. Directly benefits more than one program. Provides beneficial cost impact on site’s operations. Replaces or upgrades a core utility, land or facility. Improves productivity or efficiency in a core utility, land or facility. Enables world-class science and technology. Provides a complete and usable facility. May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training
IGPP Administration Requirements May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training15 The DOE field/area office manager must personally certify that — the project is not part of an incremental segment such that the total would exceed the current authorized ceiling The contractor chief financial officer or comptroller must certify that — Indirect funds will not be utilized for IGPP at the expense of maintenance or any other essential facilities program. The overall indirect budget will not increase to fund IGPP.
May 5, 2015FIMS / Real Estate Training16 Questions? Ivan “IG” Graff ( 202) Argonne’s white fallow deer