JUPAS 2011 Application Procedure & Advice Briefings on individual programmes Group Discussion by K.K. Lee by WYK old boys
Sep 28Online Registration and Application start ¹ any of those means described on p. 27 & 28 ¹ Payment of application fee ($420) Dec 2Deadline of JUPAS 2011 application (by 11:59 pm)
New features: My Workspace for searching and working on programme choice My Message Box Verifying certificates via a new online function
Register and Create your record Compile login name and password Check and enter very carefully your personal information (phone no, address, address etc.) Verification code sent to you via to activate your account (First login) Receive a randomly generated APPLICATION NUMBER (Apply for Admission)
Programme Selection Submit Application Information
4 Jan May 2011 $80 per submission ▶ 1 June 2011 onwards
30 June 2011 July 2011
28 July 2011 July 2011
Apply for reconsideration (successful appeal cases) Results of reconsideration Clearing Round offer Accept Clearing Round offer Subsequent Rounds offer Accept Subsequent Rounds offer
Input via the web on or before 29 June Submit certified true copies to JUPAS Office on or before 29 June 2011 Fill your portfolio via the web Submit certified true copies (section1 in Appendix 4) Deadline: 25 February 2011
Bring the originals and copies of your certificates to the school office from 3 JAN 2011 to 7 JAN 2011 for verification. The school will verify your certificates using the JUPAS online function. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SUBMIT THESE COPIES TO JUPAS OFFICE AGAIN.
Interest and Aptitude available information of Degree/Sub-degree programmes (JUPAS guide, Web pages, information day, JUPAS Talks etc.) minimum entrance requirements admission grades and other statistical data
HKUST18 Sep PolyU25 Sep CityU9 Oct CUHK9 Oct HKIEd23 Oct OpenU*23 Oct HKBU23 Oct HKU30 Oct LU30 Oct *Non-Government-funded
Degree programmes Grade E or above: 2 AL or 1 AL + 2 AS AS UE (Grade D or above for HKU) AS CLC Grade E (level 2) or above: 1 AL or 2 AS AS UE or CE Eng. (for AD) AS CLC or CE Chin. Lang. (for AD) * Some institutes accept other equivalent qualifications for languages. AD/HD programmes
MOST of you should meet the minimum HKCEE requirements. Please refer to JUPAS guide for details.
BandChoice No. A B C D E
Please read the JUPAS Guide 2011 (General Entrance Requirements & Lists of Programmes).
A merit order list of each programme is compiled based on: HKCEE and HKALE results; performance in interviews (if any); and other achievements.
X(1) X(3) X(6) X(4) X(2) X(5) All the merit order lists are input to computer for iteration process.
Can the selection committee of indivdual programme access your list of progamme choices? Yes, but only the banding position not the exact position.
Can I be awarded any extra score for Band A or Band B programme choices? In some programmes, preferences are given to those applicants in Band A. 大 學 聯 招『號外』 (2009 版 ) Q.14
What are the weightings of AL and CE results in calculating the scores? 大 學 聯 招『號外』 (2009 版 ) Q.1
Can I earn extra score(s) by taking 1 or more additional AL/AS subject(s)? 大 學 聯 招『號外』 (2009 版 ) Q.5
Can I earn extra scores with better grades in the language subjects? 大 學 聯 招『號外』 (2009 版 ) Q.6 & Q.7
How do I choose my 25 programmes? How should I draw my ‘safe line’?
How to ‘Get an Offer’
JUPAS web page (download area). Access through individual institutes’ web sites
Discussion STAGE Bio. Chem Life Sci. Biomed. Eng. Phys. Survey Mech. Eng BBA, Acc Social LLB Medicine Optom, Phyiso Chi. Medicine