Observations of Beam Filamentation at SLM5F02 in Simulation July 22, 2011 C. Tennant
Procedure PARMELA model of gun – Drive laser parameters based on measurements, assumes ideal distribution – 350 keV DC photocathode gun – Bunch charge of 135 pC, push 300K particles PARMELA model of merger – Use Excel (no space charge) to set quads for match to linac – Tweak quads to improve match in PARMELA (with space charge) PARMELA model of the linac (acceleration) – Accelerate 10° before crest – Space charge effects still appreciable in first module, use Excel to set transverse match in the triplets (where space charge is small) elegant model of the recirculator – include 1D CSR model and implement “csrdrifts” (allows CSR wake to propagate beyond dipole) – Run to middle of second -bend SLM5F02
Recall: Beam-based Measurements (view in Slideshow mode to view animated GIF)
t,wiggler = fs under-compressed
t,wiggler = fs under-compressed
t,wiggler = fs under-compressed
t,wiggler = fs under-compressed
t,wiggler = fs under-compressed
t,wiggler = 73.9 fs fully compressed
t,wiggler = 83.0 fs over-compressed
t,wiggler = fs over-compressed
t,wiggler = fs over-compressed
t,wiggler = fs over-compressed
t,wiggler = fs over-compressed
Energy and t vs QT2F08/9 Strength over-compressed under-compressed