Disaster and Emergency Management: Past Approaches and Future Possibilities Gary R. Webb Department of Public Administration Emergency Administration and Planning Program University of North Texas *Presented at the Workshop on Preparing for High Consequence, Low Probability Events: Heat, Energy, and Water in the Southwest, September 28-29, Tucson, Arizona.
Prevailing views of disasters. Staples of U.S. Emergency Management. The changing landscape of hazards and disasters. Consequences of the “New Disasters.” Envisioning the future of U.S. Emergency Management. Overview of the Presentation
“An event, concentrated in time and space, in which a society, or a relatively self-sufficient subdivision of a society, undergoes severe danger and incurs such losses…that…the fulfillment of all or some of the essential functions of the society is prevented.” (Fritz, 1961) Prevailing Views of Disasters
Disasters are something that happen to us. They have clear-cut beginnings and ends. They are bounded temporally and geographically. The goal of response and recovery is to restore things back to normal. Assumptions of the Prevailing View
All-Hazards Emergency Management Integrated Emergency Management Comprehensive Emergency Management Staples of U.S. Emergency Management
Comprehensive Emergency Management: The Four Phases of Disaster
New Species of Trouble New Crisis Dynamics Trans-System Social Ruptures Normal Accidents Disasters by Design NaTechs Worst Cases Catastrophes Unthinkable Events in Inconceivable Contexts The Changing Landscape of Hazards and Disasters
Intractable problems. Routine failures. Chain reactions and cascading effects. Widespread impacts and severe social disruption. Politicization of disasters and emergency management. Consequences of the “New Disasters”
Rethink our view of disasters as events. Reconsider the phases of disaster. Consider that all disasters are “glocal.”. Emphasize flexibility over standardization. Become “community change agents.” Envisioning the Future of U.S. Emergency Management
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