Data Presentation
What the mark scheme says:
Section A - Channel Shape
1.Channel shape graph for the Lower Course (site 1) Width 1cm = 1m Depth 1cm = 10 cm m2m Scale: Depth: 1cm =10 cm Width: 1cm = 1m
2. Bar graph showing average width of the Glenarm river at the Lower, Middle, Upper course (Sites 1,2,3) (You must convert all your depth measurements into meters. i.e they will be 0.56m etc) River Width Depth data.xls
Section B -River speed / velocity
1. Velocity across the channel To calculate velocity you must remember to: Distance ÷ time = velocity 10 ÷ average time in seconds = m/ seconds
(X3 graphs for each site) Line graph to show the changes in the velocity across the channel in the Lower course (Site 1)
2. Average Velocity comparison graph Bar graph to compare the average velocity between the Lower, Middle, Upper course (Site 1,2, 3)
Section C - Bedlaod
1. Av Bedload shape 5 = very angular 4= angular 3= sub-angular 2= rounded 1= well rounded
2. Av Bedload size
Scatter Graph to show the relationship between bedload size and bedload shape for the Lower, Middle, Upper course (Sites 1,2,3) 3. Relationship between bedload size and shape