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Bar-Line Graphs MonTueWedThu Frequency Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 40 The data below shows how many people visited a local gym each day of the week. Draw a bar-line graph for the data.
Bar-Line Graphs The bar-line graph shows how many people visited a local gym each day of the week MonTueWedThu Frequency Fri How many people visited on Monday? How many people visited in total?
The bar-line graph shows information on members of a junior snooker club. How many of the members are 9 year olds? Frequency What is the most common age for members? 10 How many teenagers are members? 50 How many members are there altogether? Age of members (years) Bar-Line Graphs
MonTueWedThu Frequency Fri The data below shows how many people visited a local gym each day of the week. Draw a bar-line graph for the data Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri40