Danielle DerwichMelissa Scire English Teacher EC Teacher
One Teach, One Assist One teaches, the other constantly moves about room monitoring behaviors and helping other stay engaged. Requires little joint planning. Works well with educators and certified teachers who do not feel comfortable leading instruction. This should not be the only method by two certified co-teachers (roles should be interchanged). Can be distracting to some students or encourage dependent learners. Station Teaching Students move from one station to another using preset time/schedule; much like learning centers. Station teaching could have up to three stations if using independent work stations. Requires joint planning and shared responsibility for delivering instruction. Lowers student-teacher ratio. The most common problems occur with transition and noise levels-must monitor and adjust as instruction takes place.
Parallel Teaching Essentially the same lesson is taught to half the class. Reduces teacher-student ratio. Both groups have regular and special education students. Great for re-teaching, reviewing for tests, projects, and cooperative learning activities. Should not be for initial instruction, unless both teachers are proficient in the concept being taught. Requires joint planning and shared responsibility for instruction. Alternative Teaching One co-teacher takes a small group to teach something different from what the large group of students will be taught. Great for pre-teaching, re-teaching, assessing specific skills, IEP goals, and PEP plans. It is important not to stigmatize students or keep some students from accessing the regular curriculum. Both teachers should take responsibility for small group at various points throughout the year. This requires joint planning and shared responsibility for instruction.
Team Teaching Both teachers are teaching and planning for instruction Teachers alternate leading discussion and demonstrating concepts. This requires the most amount of joint planning, commitment, compatibility, comfort level, and mutual trust to be a successful strategy. When used effectively, students will view both teachers as the same. Teachers need to constantly reflect together as a team, rather than individually. Both teachers need to confer with each other about the satisfactory of instruction.
Before 1 st Day of Class Establish clear guidelines, responsibilities, and roles. Use the Co-Teaching Survey to help promote better communication and understand each others expectations. Have both teacher’s names on the syllabus and/or other important academic documents. Have both teachers establish a schedule to help students outside of the classroom (before and/or after school). During the Year Plan together if possible or communicate through or Google docs with both teachers contributing to the lesson. Establish comfort levels within each lesson, so both teachers can contribute effectively. Both teachers review assessments and progress for all students – not just EC or standard-level students. Revise & Reflect
The EC teacher is highly qualified in every subject area. Some EC teachers are not contributors to the classroom, but rather assistants. All inclusion classes include students with behavior problems and low achievement levels. EC teachers are highly qualified in revising, modifying, and accommodating student assessments and lessons for students with different learning abilities. It may not be that they do not want to contribute, but rather how they can contribute to enhance the regular educator’s style. Inclusion secures opportunities for students with disabilities to learn alongside their non-disabled peers in general education classrooms.
Benefit #1: More Teachers = More Assistance Benefit #2: Supportive Strategies Benefit #3: A Variety of Teaching Approaches Benefit #4: Access to Learning Specialists (at the elementary level) Benefit #5: More Resources
Friend, M. & Cook, L. (2007). Interactions: Collaboration Skills for School Professionals. Boston: Pearson. Rosen, Peg. ( ). 5 Benefits of Inclusion Classrooms. Understood.org. USA. LLC.