advise afford agree allow appear arrange ask attempt beg choose claim convince dare decide demand tend threaten urge deserve desire enable encourage enough expect fail forget help hesitate hope instruct intend invite seem strive tell learn long manage offer order permit persuade plan prepare pretend promise refuse remind want warn wish would like would prefer These verbs require the infi nitive -to after them.
Study the previous verbs and do as in the example. 3. I agree ………… (wait) here. 4. He allows us …………. (do) it as soon as possible. 5. He asked me …………. (explain) him the rule. 1. You can choose ………….. (go) or …………… (stay). It is up to you. 2. The children decided …………. (buy) some flowers for their mother. I advise you ……. (go) to the doctor. I advise you to go to the doctor.
admit adore appreciate avoid can’t help commence consider delay deny describe detest enjoy fancy feel like finish imagine involve keep mention mind miss postpone practice quit recall recommend regret report resent resist resume risk suggest The following verbs require –ing form
1. They admitted …………….(enter) the room without the permition. 2. I adore ………… (lie) on the beach. 3. They will appreciate ……………… (help) them. 4. You should avoid ………………… (argue) with your teacher. 5. I just cannot help ……………. (think) about my exam. 6. I do not want to postpone…………….. (meet) my friends any longer. 7. Do you mind ………………….. (tell) me what has happened? He suggested us …………….(do) our homework. He suggested us doing our homework. Study the previous verbs and do as in the example.