COPYRIGHT ©2010 by Cali Chetwynd Chetwynd Press 2727 Halifax, Nova Scotia Shelburne GTG Editor- Shari Shortliffe
Once upon time, there was a little boy named Andy. Andy wanted to be a firefighter. One day Andy said to his friend Fred, “I want to be a firefighter.” “Cool,” said Fred. “Let’s go to my house and play,” said Andy.
So Andy and Fred went over to Andy’s house. “Let’s play hide and seek.” “Ok,” said Andy. So Fred started to count, “1,2,3,4,5…. Ready or not here I come.”
Andy ran into the woods. He saw a big tree. So Andy sat down and hid. Andy was feeling tired. So he lay down and went to sleep.
Andy started to dream. He was dreaming about being a firefighter. He was sitting in the seat of a fire truck. They were on their way to a fire! Honk, honk, went the fire truck. Then Andy yelled, “Clear the way.”
Then they were there, at the fire! Andy got out of the truck. He ran over to the hose on the truck. He hooked up the hose to the truck. He started to spray the fire with water.
The fire would not go out! Then Andy yelled, “More water, we need more water.” So they got into the truck and went to get more water. They went back to the fire. They sprayed it again. The fire was out.
That night Andy told his family about the fire. That night Andy slept until 10:00am! He was really tired, from the fire. But then he got another call to a fire!
Andy and others went to the fire. When they got there, the fire was huge. It took 3 fire trucks to put it out! After the fire was out, they got in the trucks and went home. They parked their trucks and all drove home.
When Andy got home he was so tired. He was so tired that he passed out on the coach. His wife could not wake him up.
When Andy woke his wife had prepared a big pancake breakfast for him. Andy had 7 pancakes! That’s how hungry he was. The next thing Andy knew, Fred was yelling, “I found you, I found you.”
Then he started telling Fred about his big dream. “That sounds awesome Andy,” said Fred. “Now it is your turn to count, ”said Fred. “Ok,” said Andy. What kind of dream will Fred have? Will he have a wild dream too?
REVIEWS IT WAS INTERESTING AND FUNNY-DERRICK I thought it was very funny-Lea Cameron Nickerson-I think it’s a good book and your book buddy will like it. Chase – it was cool. It was a good book-Isaac
BIOGRAPHY Hi, my name is Cali Chetwynd. I live in Shelburne Nova Scotia. I go to Hillcrest Academy and I am in grade 6. And this book is for my book buddy.