Steven A. Knowlton, Collection Development Librarian (assisted by James R. Rodgers and Matthew J. Jabaily) ASERL Fall 2015 Membership Meeting, New Orleans November 19, 2015
TBR-wide agreement: UofM maintains 288 subs (other libraries maintain 2005 title list) Discount from “list price” Discounted “content fee” Must maintain amount of spending – allowed to swap titles on subscription list Multi-year contract with other Tennessee Board of Regents universities Pay an additional fee equivalent to 10% of entire expenditure Enjoy access to most other titles published by Elsevier (around 2800 titles)
Anderson (2004): A few titles will have most of the use. The rest of the titles will exhibit smaller amounts of use. This parallels other phenomena such as a Bradford distribution and the Pareto principle (80/20 rule). The Freedom Collection has a very long tail.
Traditional Cost-per-Use: Subscription Price divided by all uses Adjusted Cost-per-Use: Subscription Price divided by just those uses not available through perpetual access or other mean (Open Access, aggregated databases)
TITLE 2014 PriceAll UsePaid UseCPU ACPU Addiction $3, $15.14$3,436.44! Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications $3, $257.17$3, Psychology & Marketing $2, $32.70$2, Machine Learning $2, $139.78$2, Journal of Financial Services Research $1, $139.09$ Climatic Change $5, $107.20$ Journal of Applied Ecology $1, $80.57$ Mean of 32 Journals$3, $764.74$1, Median of 32 Journals$2, $139.09$500.16
TITLE Perpetual Access? Avg Annual Usage Sub Price 2016 Traditional CPU Expected % Paid Usage 2016 EST. PAID USAGES IN 2016 Adjusted CPU Journal ANO154$899.40$ %154$5.84 Journal BYES208$587.69$2.8219%38.48$15.27
We settled on a number we are willing to pay Used the adjusted cost-per-use figures to identify the titles with the best value Note: a lot of the highest-use titles fell out of the list, because so much of the use was from older content Added up the highest-ranked titles until we hit our target number
The usage available through perpetual access will decline as the last year of P.A. recedes Will need to revisit the title list every couple years to ensure maximum content availability Possible increase in ILL costs