Costs in Ulrich: Scaled to CE Plant Cost Index = 315 (mid 1982)
Woods: Recommend M&S for costs in Canada
Location Cost Factors Garrett, 1989 Cost increases by 10% for every 1000 miles from a major manufacturing centre
Correcting Plant Costs Cost escalation with time CE Index M&S Index Currency exchange rates Location cost Design changes?
Costing Terminology FOB Cost = equipment purchase cost (Cp) Bare Module cost = Cost of equipment plus installation expenses (CBM) Total module cost = Bare module cost + contingency + contractors fees BM cost of process unit = Sum of bare module costs - recommend adding contingency to sum of modules Battery Limit Costs = Cost of process equipment Offsite Costs = Cost of supporting facilities
Example: Typical process equipment Guthrie, 1969
Guthrie Storage Tank Factors Storage tanks to 40,000 US gal. Storage Tank Cost, $ = [Base cost x Fm]Index Adjustment Factors Installation (Prime contractor Material Fm work only) Carbon steel 1.00 Field installation (M&L) 1.47 Aluminum 1.40 Bare module factor 1.96 Rubber lined 1.48 L/M ratio 0.23 Lead lined 1.55 Stainless 3.20 Glass lined 4.25 Note: Consider glass lining limited to 10,000 gal (max)