Transition Assessment & IEP A Participant-Centered Approach.


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Presentation transcript:

Transition Assessment & IEP A Participant-Centered Approach

BackgroundBackground July 1, 2011 will be the first date to exit participants who reach the 48 month limit in SCSEP Assuming all waiver factors are validated, SSAI must exit 600 participants because they have reached their duration limit in July 2011  On average, 7 participants per subgrantee  Ranging from 0 to 50 participants per subgrantee Our approach is participant-centered, providing each person the best possible outcomes and maximum available benefits Now is the time to start

A Few Words on Waivers SSAI does not come close to reaching the 27 month average participation cap  Currently we are at 15 months SSAI provides reports on participants who:  Qualify for a waiver (stay tuned for a webinar on waivers; in the meantime, ask your Program Officer any questions)  Must be exited for duration limits To access the report 1.Log into Webtools 2.Click on Participant Four Years Cap Report.xls under II – Project Reports

A Few Words on Waivers All participants who qualify for a waiver will be granted one based on the following waiver factors: 1.Severe disability 2.Frail 3.75 years of age or older 4.Low literacy skills 5.Old enough to receive, but not receiving Title II Social Security 6.Severely limited employment prospects in areas with persistent unemployment 7.Limited English proficiency

Participant Four Years Cap Report

Participant-Centered Approach Greatest benefits & strongest outcomes for each participant Tailored for each individual Things to consider  Employability / future income  Continued contribution to his/her community  Social engagement  Health benefits  Strong sense of self-confidence

Why Now? From the Participant’s perspective:  Provides sufficient time to prepare for this reality Four years is a long time, anticipates resistance Allows time for participants to process the change, reach acceptance and engage  Recognizes the multiple dimension of their community service assignment Economic (wages) Social (interactions with others) Self worth (contribution to the community) Physical (gets a person up and out)

And a few more reasons for Now SSAI’s policy:  Reassessments and IEPs are “updated as necessary” No less than twice a year for assessments No less than three times a year for IEPs  Leaving the program after four years constitutes “necessary” DOL policy:  It’s guidance stipulates 6 months  ‘Now’ is the time so we stay in compliance Sponsor’s interest:  A proactive stance reduces likelihood of participant complaints – a time-consuming process on the back-end

TimingTiming Limit Reached InTransition Assessment & IEP Conducted By July 2011January/February 2011 August 2011January/February 2011 September 2011March 2011 October 2011April 2011 November 2011May 2011 December 2011June 2011

Leverage Previous Work Lots to build on  Assessments & Reassessments – none more than 6 months old  IEPs & IEP Updates – none more than 4 months old  Case Management Notes

The Starting Point for Transitioning Talking with the participant:  What is your goal? (DOL’s Final Rule“…subsequent IEPs need not contain an employment goal if such a goal is not feasible.”)  “How can we help you prepare for when you leave the SCSEP program?” 1. Obtain Employment 2. Continued Community Service 3. Supportive Services Reassessing – Looking at previous assessments and IEPs Developing and writing good case notes Supporting the individual and providing the best possible outcomes (participant centered approach)

1. Obtain Employment Escalate skills development (CSA rotation, classes, job club, job search workshop) Escalate job development (encourage host agency hire, make focus of job developer) Escalate job search activity (enroll in job club, add extra hours for search, revisit the number of job searches per month, review resume, refer to job fair) Ensure on-going supportive services, if appropriate Depending on numbers, plan & hold a job fair In short, a renewed, focused attention to this outcome

2. Continued Community Service Unsubsidized employment and volunteerism are not incompatible (either one or both) Referrals  Create lists – and some have stipends (Foster Grandparents [stipend], Senior Companion [stipend], RSVP, CNCS, local organizations)  Create starting points & strategies (church, community center, family)  Follow up on the referrals is the responsibility of the participant and part of the IEP Explore possibilities with host agency  Volunteering at agency in some other role than the one when in SCSEP  Works for individual  Works for the subgrantee (maintains the agency as a host agency)

3. Supportive Services Types of services  Budgetary (Addressing the loss of approximately $580/mo of SCSEP wages)  Health / Disability  Housing  Transportation  Food  Energy  Other social services Create local / online referral sources (AAA, NCOA’s Benefits CheckUp) SSAI will allow up to 5 additional hours per pay period to access supportive service providers

Transition Assessment & IEP Form Mandatory Six parts  Identifying Information  Barriers to Self-Sufficiency (reassessment)  Supportive / Educational Services  Employment  Continued Community Service  Attestation, including signatures

Identifying Information Barriers to Self-Sufficiency ( reassessment)

Supportive / Educational Services


Continued Community Service Attestation, including signatures

Writing a Good Case Note A good case note should include: Date and type of contact (can be check off box) Brief entry of what was discussed (status update of strengths & challenges/outcome of preceding note entry/confirmation of information previously) Date and reason for next contact (Reassessment/HA update/IEP update/workshop follow-up/job search assistance/job referral) Writer’s signature

Notifying Participants of Durational Limit Includes two letters:  90 day notification letter  30 day termination notice


Implications for Recertification Everyone, even those who are timing out, must be recertified Recertification serves as a natural opportunity to update the Transitional Assessment & IEP for those exiting in July or August 2011 Start recertification with those requiring a Transition Assessment & IEP (those exiting in September 2011)

Refining our Assessment & IEP Process We’ve heard you We can better integrate the forms We will revisit how to create a more aligned and integrated suite of forms for the assessment, reassessment, IEP, IEP updates, transition assessment & IEP, and case management notes We are seeking PD input We are targeting a roll-out in the last quarter of PY10-11

Questions? Comments?

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