WP3 24 July 2014 QMUL/GAB 1 Status of Sensor Testing Setup at QMUL Since 10 July th Re-installed blind on cabinet (JagM) 18 th Serviced Nitrogen generator 21 st Mastic Cabinet for light-tghtness (JagM); ATLAS12 probeplan + drgs from Bart. 23 rd Further checked probe station initialisation + motion control 24 th Ran StripChecker.vi (v ATLAS07 mechanical) => Wafer alignment & strip probe pattern OK. (essentially where we were before the 2013 evacuation)
WP3 24 July 2014 QMUL/GAB2 In order to START scanning ATLAS Sensors: Install CAV/QMUL chuck adapter (returned by Bart + ATLAS12 Sensor W661) / Check chuck planarity (uniform needle scrub) Re-cable GPIB to instruments Make/install Bias and Signal Cables (+ Patch panels if necessary) Make new bias stand-off box (1000V) for Wayne-Kerr LCR meter. (+ install protection unit). Check functionality of instruments & strip-checker measurements (using ATLAS07 mini-sensors?) Re-commission manual wire bonder <= needed to strap bias lines form sensor to frame! => not a show-stopper, but should consider whether to replace K&S 484. Trial-test ATLAS12 W661 sensor.. compare with Cambridge data.. Further ahead: (trivially) incorporate UPS Design/install vacuum reservoir and pump switch. Replace video camera (flakey when cold)? Install/ test updated Cavendish Labview suite (modify for QM “Nucleus” - Win2k). Bart’s scheme to speed up probing using probe card / switch matrix. Need new RA + training (GAB thinly spread and ageing).
WP3 24 July 2014 QMUL/GAB3 QMUL Wedge Bonder: believed to be K&S 484. Operated ok in 2013 but “very” obsolete. Presumably more so by onset of upgrade production.