The IFS template uses the exact structure of the AFCFS narrative and is provided in Microsoft Word in a table format. The document is organized into major sections with topics under each section. Once Bases have entered data into this document, it can be uploaded to the website. 7
Air Force Corporate Facilities Standards are listed in Column 4 for easy reference. If Base standards justifiably vary from AF standards, these must be sent to AFCEC for review and possible AFCFS revision. Provide additional local details as applicable to most effectively meet the AF standard. 8
This base-level information should be added in Column 5. Base-level information should be added in Column 5. 9
Any associated images should be cropped to the specified size and inserted in Column 6. 10
Under the topic of Sustainability on Line 21, for example, the Climate zone should be entered following the Department of Energy criteria shown on the adjacent image. Further under this topic, detailed information must be inserted for solar insolation, or solar radiation, annual temperatures and precipitation and other climatic factors. 11
Climatic data is referenced throughout the IFS. On line 41, for example, the standard for Orientation, Massing and Scale establishes local requirements for building orientation based on local climatic data. 12 Climatic data is referenced throughout the IFS. On line 41, for example, the standard for Orientation, Massing and Scale establishes local requirements for building orientation based on local climatic data.
13 Under line 50 for the topic of Building Entrances, the Air Force standard requires specific base-level detail for shading devices, daylighting and thermal enclosures to be based on the local climate. The IFS template provides a space to include detailed information which forms the base-level standards to address each of these specific items.
14 Under line 60 for the topic of Wall Systems, the IFS provides a space to enter data regarding the preferred materials that are required for compatibility and appropriate responses to climatic conditions.
Actual base standards for materials are listed on line 64 and should expand the AFCFS list of approved materials with specific style, color and type. 15 Actual base standards for materials are listed on line 64 and should expand the AFCFS list of approved materials with specific style, color and type.
16 Just as in the AFCFS, there is an Appendices with other related documents listed.
17 The Architectural Review Board Charter is to be used to ensure base-level standards are established, enforced and achieved in the design of all new construction and renovation projects. Where detailed base-level guidance is not provided in the IFS, the general AF corporate standard shall be in force.
18 The Design Standards Checklist is to be used to evaluate projects for compliance with AFCFS and IFS. Where detailed base-level guidance is not provided in the IFS, the general AF corporate standard shall be enforced.
19 Reinforcing a philosophy of resourcefulness, IFS supplements AFCFS and emphasizes the cost- and time-saving efficiencies of a holistic, comprehensive approach to the design of our built environment. As we move forward—as we fully implement this IFS program—all of our new and renovated facilities will firmly represent the dignity, virtue and long-term sustainability of the United States Air Force.