JESUS YOU ARE ALL MY PASSION Came by night and bearing swords The Captive, held with fiery torch In the twilight of the day They dragged a bleeding God of dust and clay Then by night they stole your life, defiled it Placed it on their cross And with growing grief and horror watched you Battered, bruised, to hide our shame Jesus you my one attraction You who are all compassion Jesus you are all my passion Precious Lord in you I find my hope
JESUS YOU ARE ALL MY PASSION Then your body dressed with tears Attended by the aches and fears Of friends and angels, silent, bowed For this great One who stooped below the clouds To carry all our burden on His shoulders to the dregs of death Destined for the silent cloth of coldness Till the day of endless breath Jesus you my one attraction You who are all compassion Jesus you are all my passion Precious Lord in you I find my hope
JESUS YOU ARE ALL MY PASSION Through the darkened landscape of my soul a formless hope takes shape The features of the Lord of Grace grow brightly I behold his loving face In the hour of your great deed I find the purpose of my need To cleave to you, expectantly The hope of all the world’s humanity (Chorus) Jesus you my one attraction You who are all compassion Jesus you are all my passion Precious Lord in you I find my hope
JESUS YOU ARE ALL MY PASSION (Chorus) Jesus you my one attraction You who are all compassion Jesus you are all my passion Precious Lord in you I find Precious Lord in you I find in home