Christian Alejos
What is it that pushes us to keep going? The answer is not the same everyone. But when you find yourself in a dark place, you got to keep searching for something to live for. Throughout my life, I’ve gone through depression like every human, but eventually get back on my feet and move on, searching for that something to dedicate my life toward.
You make the most out of every moment in your life. You live and enjoy yourself, hoping that when it’s your time, you can say you lived a full life. You don’t hesitate, don’t let peoples judgement effect you or pressure you into doing anything.
You try to make friends where ever you go. You hope to discover people who will laugh with you… who trust you and that you can trust back… who will worry about you and actually do something for you… who will stand by your side in thick and thin. When you find these people, you give them mutual respect.
The same goes for finding that special person. You meet someone and start to develop feelings for them. Now the only thing left to do is make ask how they feel and hope that their feelings toward you are the same. Otherwise, accept reality and move on. Source:
When depression sinks in, it can dig deep, and may take time to recover from. However, the important step in recovery is not to ignore or forget what has happened. Acknowledge everything and learn from it so that you can grow.
Personally, when I try to make friends, I struggle to find a certain line not to cross. The line between being friendly, and irritating. I want to assist others and be able to spend time with them, but when it seems that I am just an acquaintance to them, maybe its just time to give up and move on? Not everyone is going to want to be friends with you, and you shouldn’t mix being friendly with being a friend. That being said, we all have to accept things as they are, and not let them drag us down.
Every children's story has a happy ending. Even if that doesn’t seem to be the case in the real world, you have to keep searching for a light in all the mess. Keep searching for that reason to live and hold on to it.
It may just be a constant cycle, but we still have to follow the circle. We live, we love, we hurt, and we repeat this cycle until we die.
I hope you find my theme interesting and worthy of your time. Thank you. Sources: “The Last of Us”