Dan Nataf Ph.D. Director Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD
How would you rate economic conditions in… excellent, good, only fair or poor?
How would you rate economic conditions (% saying excellent or good) by employment category
How would you rate economic conditions ( % saying excellent or good) by income, gender, marital status, race, party, ideology
How would you rate economic conditions by “does X condition apply” - % saying excellent or good Anne Arundel County
Economic ConditionThis year Next year Future year Median year N.A. A stabilization of housing values A return to steady growth of the economy A major reduction in the unemployment rate A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for state and local government budgets A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for the federal government’s budget
Health Care Quality/Access
Budget cutting measure About right Too big Too small N.A. The governor’s policy of making state employees take three to 10 days of unpaid leave Laying off 200 state employees The proposal to cut $210 million in state aid to localities in Maryland The proposal to cut $15 million in local aid to Anne Arundel County Cutting a combined $30 million in health- related funding
SupportOpposeUnsure N.A. Maintaining the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland Maintaining the level of state funding for public schools Requiring school employees to take several unpaid days off Shifting the cost of teachers’ pensions to local governments
AllDemRepInd.D-R Maintaining the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland Maintaining the level of state funding for public schools Requiring school employees to take several unpaid days off Shifting the cost of teachers’ pensions to local governments AllDemRepInd.D-R The governor’s policy of making state employees take three to 10 days of unpaid leave Laying off 200 state employees The proposal to cut $210 million in state aid to localities in Maryland The proposal to cut $15 million in local aid to Anne Arundel County Cutting a combined $30 million in health-related funding O’Malley doing poor job % Ideology Conservative55 Moderate33 Liberal10 Conservative-Liberal45 Party Democrat21 Republican62 Independent38 Democrat-Republican-41 % saying “support” % saying “about right” O’Malley’s job balancing budget Good=13%; Okay=42%; Poor=38%
Main problem… OverallDemRepUnaffil.D-R Deficit/Debt Budget/Overspending Defense/Homeland Sec./Terrorism Economy Unemployment43380 Taxes2233 Wars in Afghan/Iraq Health care Environment/Climate change23003 Education13003
: National Issues: Presidential job approval Bush Obama
% approving of president’s job by party