Perfect Partnerships? Exploring good practice in supply chain relationships Louise Capel-Cure, Head of Partnership Development, Ingeus representing The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) CESI Steps 2 Success Convention 2012 Championing the employment services sector
Introductions and outline of objectives Championing the employment services sector
What have been the problems in employment services supply chains and how are we overcoming them? Championing the employment services sector
Common Expression of Interest (EOI) form Championing the employment services sector The need and desirability for a single EOI form Developed by ERSA’s Supply Chain Forum by both primes and subcontractors To be uploaded onto the Merlin Portal to ease the administrative burden for potential subcontractors
Supply chain checklist Championing the employment services sector Checklist for organisations thinking of becoming subcontractors in a welfare to work supply chain Developed with input from both primes and subcontractors
Perfect Partners: strengthening relationships within employment services supply chains Championing the employment services sector Published by ERSA, ACEVO and NCVO Case studies illustrate examples of best practice Recommendations for primes, subcontractors and commissioning bodies
Establishing supply chains Championing the employment services sector Undertaking due diligence Clarity of expectations and financial support Potential collaboration
Managing supply chains Championing the employment services sector Sharing information Managing performance When things aren’t going well
The role of government Championing the employment services sector The Merlin Standard Commissioning programmes Transparency
Q & A For more information see: Championing the employment services sector