Lessons Learned in Tallahassee While Surviving a Hurricane Sarah Schuetz WFSU-TV Tallahassee, FL
Bonnie Charley Frances Jeanne Ivan
2005 Hurricane Season >Realize that you are only human – and dealing with Mother Nature >Don’t mess with Mother Nature >Prepare for the Worst >Hope for the Best
2005 Hurricane Season >Tape all for-air prefeeds >Backup generic promotional material >Backup all underwriters >Provide paper documentation for your backups for easy reference
2005 Hurricane Season >Make sure your station can operate in the blind >Provide a printed copy of your tape library >At least ask if there’s gas in the generator…
2005 Hurricane Season >Communicate, communicate, COMMUNICATE! >Sit down with Master and talk about contingency plans >Provide a way for them to get in touch with you if they need to
In Summary…. >The steps are simple >Look for your trouble spots >Plan ahead