Drill: Where is Arabia? HW: DB: Trans-Sahara Obj: Identify and describe the impact Arab traders had on the culture of Northern Africa
An exchange.
Arab traders in Algiers brought cloth to the city of Fez where they added fruit to their caravan. Traveling south, they acquired salt from the mines. This salt was needed for cooking, the care of animals, and the making of dyes. These traders continued south where they exchanged their goods for gold. Heading north, they traveled through the city of Timbuktu. They acquired camels in the city of In Salah. These Arab traders reached their final destination in Qayrawan where they exchanged the gold for cloth.
The gold located south of Timbuktu also traveled north through Gao. Traveling northeast across the Sahara Desert, traders stopped at wells and oases along the way. The gold was exchanged in Cairo for cloth which then traveled southwest. Along this route, traders obtained ivory and proceeded to the Borno Kingdom. Slaves were brought to the Borno Kingdom from the south while salt was brought in from the north. From this major center of exchange, the goods were transported north to the coastal city of Tripoli.
Arab traders proceeded south from Tripoli carrying cloth along their caravan route. This cloth was exchanged for copper located north of Kano. Other goods exchanged in Kano were ivory, which was located southwest of the city and kola nuts found to the south. Caravan traders then proceeded north to In Salah, returning northward to Qayrawan.
World History Atlas pages QuestionsAnswers “North African and Islamic Empires ” Page What three Muslim groups established empires in Northern Africa? Be sure to include the dates of their existence. 1. “Empires of West Africa” Page 84 1.Which civilization did Songhai conquer? And who conquered Songhai? 2.What trade goods made both Ghana and Mali successful? “Central and East Africa” Page 85 1.What two trade goods made Great Zimbabwe wealthy? 2.What two cultures mixed in the Swahili regions in 1500? “African Trade” Page 86 1.What were the main sources of trade in African in the 1500’s? 2.What two areas of the world were dependent on African gold? 3.Sea trade linked Africa to what other parts of the world? 4.Who competed for control of resources?
Drill: What does “Trans- Sahara” mean? HW: Quiz tomorrow. Obj: Identify and describe the impact Arab traders had on the culture of Northern Africa