IOWAccess Fee Approval Iowa Criminal History Record Checks on the Internet March 9, 2005
692.2 Dissemination of Criminal History Data 692.2, 6 The department may charge a fee to any non- law enforcement person or agency to conduct criminal history data checks. Notwithstanding any other limitation, the department may use revenues generated from the fee to administer this section and other sections of the Code providing access to criminal history data and to employ personnel to process criminal history data checks.
What the Fee Pays For (Page 1 of 2) 33 Staff Paid From Criminal History Fee’s Staff Duties Include: Creating File Staff Processing Fingerprints Processing Requests Annual Salary Expense = $1,671, (FY05) Monthly Salary Expense = $139, (FY05)
Postage, Telephone, Fax Supplies Equipment AFIS Annual Maintenance = ($200,000.00) Annual Expenses = $650, (FY05) Monthly Expenses = $54, (FY05) What the Fee Pays For (Page 1 of 2)
Costs Incurred From Internet Per Transaction.26 (DAS).03 Bank Fee (Wells Fargo).42 Card Fee (VisaMasterCard) Monthly Expenses $25.00 CC Authorization $ Hosting (DAS) $ SQL (DAS) $84.59 Hourly Service (DAS)
Revenue Annual = $1,708, Monthly = $142, (this is 5 year average)
Current Fee’s $10.00 Walk in Request at DCI $13.00 Mail in Request $15.00 Fax in Request $12.00 Proposed Internet Fee
Other State Internet Fee’s Florida = $23.00 Illinois = $16.00 Indiana = $16.32 Kansas = $17.50 Michigan = $10.00 Oregon = $15.00 South Carolina = $25.00 Washington = $10.00