Success in Junior High The Counselor’s Role
Role Open door policy Positive/support/modeling Support when dealing with peers Support various family crisis’ Counseling programs Lunch and brunch supervision Academic counseling Scheduling
Resources for students Intervention programs- Academic-ASA, PPD. Teacher availability SCV Youth project Clubs and Activities CADRE Child and family center School Psychologist on site Groups- TAG, Girls group, new students
Parent Resources Infinite campus Sierra Vista website/teachers websites Bilingual office support PAC meetings Family Resource Nights Parent conferences Teacher Counselor AP/Principal
Student safety Supervision/locked campus Two Deputy’s Text A Tip Safe School Ambassodors Intervention OMC-Other means of correction: learning, teaching, guiding Health office
Student success Always write all assignments in binder reminder. Check teacher websites. Complete all homework and classwork on time. Talk with teachers if you need help. Attend school everyday, unless really sick. Always make up missed work. Check grades on IC regularly. If struggling, ask for help! We want everyone to be successful.