11/15/20051 Radiation Protection Issues for ILC (not exhaustive) A. Fassò, N. Noriaki, H. Vincke Radiation Physics.


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Presentation transcript:

11/15/20051 Radiation Protection Issues for ILC (not exhaustive) A. Fassò, N. Noriaki, H. Vincke Radiation Physics

11/15/20052 Dose in an IR Hall when the other one is operating  with tunnel passing near a Hall  with two Halls at the same level  shielding of assembly area or local counting house (?)  Radiation field:  direct bremsstrahlung/muons  brems. interaction in detector  neutrons  e + /e - collisions?  We need:  approx. geometry of tunnel and Halls  approx. loss position and magnitude  option priority: 14/2 mrad or 14/20 mrad?  possible dimensions/composition of the “self shielding” detector  Issues:  BCS, PPS


4 Collimation section  activation of collimators/maintenance planning  activation of air, soil and water  We need:  approx. geometry of tunnel and collimators  impact scenario, loss size  Issues:  tunnel shielding, local shielding,  BCS, PPS

11/15/20055 Dumps  extracted beam dump  commissioning dump  We need:  details of dump construction (materials, windows, etc.)  Issues:  air, soil and groundwater activation  dose rates for maintenance  radiation resistance (window)  effects on water Note: some work already done by DESY and SLAC

11/15/20056 Shallow tunnel site  radiation leaking  We need:  tunnel dimensions  approx. component position  loss scenarios  Issues:  minimum overhead thickness

11/15/20057 Radiation damage  to electronics  to other components?  We need:  changes since S. Roesler’s NLC calculations  loss scenarios  position and geometry of components  Issues:  alcoves, parallel gallery  access/doses in parallel gallery Note: M. Kostin already performed calculations on radiation damage on magnet coils in the delivery section. Sufficient?

11/15/20058 Positron source  conventional  undulator  We need:  design  Issues:  radiation damage  activation (machine, air, soil, groundwater)  quenching of magnet

11/15/20059 SC cavities  quenching  radiation emission  We need:  design details  Issues:  radiation streaming to klystron galleries?