11/15/20051 Radiation Protection Issues for ILC (not exhaustive) A. Fassò, N. Noriaki, H. Vincke Radiation Physics
11/15/20052 Dose in an IR Hall when the other one is operating with tunnel passing near a Hall with two Halls at the same level shielding of assembly area or local counting house (?) Radiation field: direct bremsstrahlung/muons brems. interaction in detector neutrons e + /e - collisions? We need: approx. geometry of tunnel and Halls approx. loss position and magnitude option priority: 14/2 mrad or 14/20 mrad? possible dimensions/composition of the “self shielding” detector Issues: BCS, PPS
4 Collimation section activation of collimators/maintenance planning activation of air, soil and water We need: approx. geometry of tunnel and collimators impact scenario, loss size Issues: tunnel shielding, local shielding, BCS, PPS
11/15/20055 Dumps extracted beam dump commissioning dump We need: details of dump construction (materials, windows, etc.) Issues: air, soil and groundwater activation dose rates for maintenance radiation resistance (window) effects on water Note: some work already done by DESY and SLAC
11/15/20056 Shallow tunnel site radiation leaking We need: tunnel dimensions approx. component position loss scenarios Issues: minimum overhead thickness
11/15/20057 Radiation damage to electronics to other components? We need: changes since S. Roesler’s NLC calculations loss scenarios position and geometry of components Issues: alcoves, parallel gallery access/doses in parallel gallery Note: M. Kostin already performed calculations on radiation damage on magnet coils in the delivery section. Sufficient?
11/15/20058 Positron source conventional undulator We need: design Issues: radiation damage activation (machine, air, soil, groundwater) quenching of magnet
11/15/20059 SC cavities quenching radiation emission We need: design details Issues: radiation streaming to klystron galleries?