SIGAPP Viability Review Sung Shin, Chair SGB Meeting, October 26, 2009, New York, NY
Financials Fund balances June 2009 $411,033 June 2008 $383,662 June 2007 $311,747 June 2006 $243,186 Fund balance has increased by an average of 17% each of the last 3 years, due in large part to the success of SAC
Membership/Volunteer Development Membership – currently 522 Membership has increased at average of 19% over the last 3 years, primarily among affiliate and student members Elections held in June 2009 – 4 incumbent officers ran against 5 candidates who had never been involved with SIGAPP previously, 2 new officers elected Much enthusiasm among membership for SIGAPP activities
Conferences Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) 2006 (Dijon, France), 2007 (Seoul, Korea), 2008 (Fortaleza, Brazil), 2009 (Hawaii, USA), 2010 (Sierre, Switzerland), 2011 (TaiChung, Taiwan) Attendance has averaged approximately 485 over last 4 years, increasing approximately 20% from 2006 to 2009 Paper submissions have averaged 1026 submissions per year over last 4 years, increasing approximately 10 % from 2006 to SAC hit record number of submissions, 1354 submissions Surplus over last 4 years has averaged $44,555
Member Benefits Members receive reduced registration to SAC Members receive CD of the SAC Proceedings Increasing Student Travel Award Program to $30,000 Developing Country Participant Travel Award Program established with initial budget of $10,000
Publications SIGAPP Newsletter, Applied Computing Review is planned to be published again from Spring of 2010 Currently looking into establishment of refereed publication, e.g. ACM Transactions on Applied Computing
Challenges Increase membership numbers Increase membership retention rate Increase non-presenting attendees at SAC conference