Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared for College/Work/Adulthood in the 21 st Century. Dr. Bice - Plan 2020
College and Career Readiness Means… 2 Ability to draw inferences/conclusions from text Analyzing conflicting source documents Supporting arguments with evidence Solving complex problems with no obvious answer
Dr. Bice’s…”The Absolutes” ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama.
How do we become strategic? ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents 1. We continually develop and refine our content knowledge. 2. We assess our own teaching, as well as our students’ learning. 3. We differentiate our instruction. 4. WE ENGAGE OUR STUDENTS!
Alabama’s Action Plan for Literacy: Essential Elements ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents
Overarching Outcome ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents To improve student learning and achievement, teachers use knowledge of effective oral and written communications, reading, mathematics, and technology to facilitate and support direct instruction, active inquiry, collaboration, and positive interaction. Quality Teaching Standard #3 - Literacy
CCRS + Students CCRS STANDARDS STUDENTS Our focus must be to get our students to the goal of mastery and competence! Teach the standards = Teach the student
Think about this… we are headed to Arkadelphia, Arkansas TODAY… What problem does this pose?
POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Expense Routing Preparation Phobias Entertainment
That’s EXACTLY what we ask our kids to do To go on some UNFAMILIAR ACADEMIC JOURNEY with us called “learning” They are SOLEY DEPENDENT upon our preparation This is why STRATEGIC PLANNING will be so important
WHAT AND HOW: STRATEGIC PLANNING STRATEGIC PLANNING IS NOTSTRATEGIC PLANNING IS… Not a “chronological” list of what you will do in class for the day: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th A waste of your time Over planning and overthinking Thinking about the goal first and “how” it will be accomplished and measured…it gives you an opportunity to structure your lesson around the CCRS goal! Before: How will I activate their knowledge about the CCRS Standard? During: What activity(s) will I use to build the CCRS Standard? After: How will I close out this CCRS Standard?
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE This is our “required” lesson plan for everyone “outside” of “CTE. You will upload this weekly to your webpage.
Let’s Take an In-depth Look at a Model CCRS Standards drive the lesson… “ Teach the standards” The activities all center around building the standard and preparing the student for performance and assessment “Before”, “During,” and “After” can reflect a wide variety of “Instructional Strategies” Formative assessment may take shape in different ways from “formal” to “informal” assessment
PLEASE LOOK AT THE PRINTED TEMPLATE NOW Note: Your plans MAY / MAY NOT exhibit as many strategies in one week, but there are plenty to choose from. Be sure to visit the INSTRUCTIONAL COACH link on the CHS website to see more examples of questioning and activities. The template is a guide to define what should go in the columns on the left. It is also useful in displaying the “range” of INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES that can be used for formative /summative assessment and “Before, During, and After” activities It is a reflection of “how” you will get your students to “each” CCRS standard
ARI Strategic Teaching: Literacy Across All Contents Five Components of Active Literacy TalkWrite Investigate Read Listen SUCCESSFULLY ENGAGED CLASSROOMS EXHIBIT “CONTINUOUS INTERACTION” FROM TEACHERS AND STUDENTS.