T Iteration Demo Group 1 Project Planning Iteration
T Iteration demo 2 Agenda Project status (10 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics Work results (20 min) presenting the iteration’s results demo Used work practices (10 min)
T Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project What is this project about? Web edit interface that should work side-by-side with an existing product Used to edit route data in Novapoint IRIS database Technical details: uses MapGuide API to interact with Oracle Spatial database
T Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s common goals Understanding what the customer wants of the project OK Installing and configuring needed version control and development software OK Determining and prospecting all stakeholders OK Study MapGuide API enough to get started OK Developing a quick prototype to learn about needed components and to get info about a suitable structure for the program Discarded, the MapGuide had good documentation and existing code that made it possible to figure out a good structure with out the quick prototype Deliver the needed documents OK
T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s management goals Create suitable coding, qa and architecture planning processes for this project OK Define baseline of the architecture iteratively consulting the developers Partially OK, consultance has been limited pretty much to the Architecture Assitant Define tasks and create a work load estimate for each of them Not OK, development tasks haven’t been defined yet. Waiting for architectural plan. Define a preliminary schedule OK Ensure that developers know what they should do and make sure they can do it OK for now, this goal has to be kept in mind constantly
T Iteration demo 6 Status of the iteration’s deliverables Project plan OK Requirements document OK, all important requirements documented in general level. Detailed specifications will be added as we gain enough information about the MapGuide API in action
T Iteration demo 7 Resource usage MemberPPI1I2Total Matti Manninen Antti Nummipuro Janne Varjus Khaled Chowdhury Antti-Iivari Kainulainen Klaus Lehtonen Olli Loikkanen Total We had some issues with getting the time tracing up and running which actually resulted in hour reportings not reaching PM in time for these slides. Everyone should have their personal hours up but acting at the last moment caused this kind of problem. This means that most resource usage charts are best estimates in hind sight, which is still a much more reliable than estimates beforehand.
T Iteration demo 8 Realization of the tasks Status RealizedPlanned Diff(Left) Project Startup Meeting OK 28 0 Project Plan, project management process OK Project Plan, development process OK Project Plan, quality assurance process OK Project Plan, risk management plan OK Requirements Specification OK 12 0 Project Setup, IT-problems OK SEPA Diaries OK Course Lectures OK Progress Report OK 25-3 Architecture design* Unfinished 80+8 Studying the MapGuide API* Unfinished Total
T Iteration demo 9 Risks The current situation regarding the risks We have identified what we believe are the most important risks at the moment and listed them in the Project Plan section 7 Risk Log.
T Iteration demo 10 Results of the iteration The most important content of the major deliverables of the iteration project plan describes the schedule and baseline of the entire project contains an organizational chart contains goals of the customer and group members communicates the indented operating model describes the development processes and customs that will be used contains the project budget contains risk evaluation requirements contains specification of the technical goals contains use cases Setting up MapGuide environment and getting to know it by studying its current code Demonstration of the developed software MapGuide with sample data
T Iteration demo 11 Organization Chart
T Iteration demo 12 Customer goals of the project GoalVerification criteria 1. Establish the feasibility of using MapGuide for editing Novapoint IRIS data with a web browser. Customer assesses the feasibility based on the project results 2. Thru good documentation acquire knowledge about using MapGuide for this purpose. Customer assesses what can be learned from documentation after each main iteration 3. Acquire a well programmed working prototype that can easily be developed further. Customer assesses the prototype at the end of each main iteration 4. Gain knowledge about new working methods. Customer assesses what can be learned about new methods from documentation and other interaction