CONSENS Priority Project Status report COSMO year 2009/2010 Involved scientists: Chiara Marsigli, Andrea Montani, Tiziana Paccagnella, Tommaso Diomede (ARPA-SIMC) Flora Gofa, Petroula Louka (HNMS) Andrea Corigliano (Uni BO), Michele Salmi (Uni FE)
Overview Task 1: Running of the COSMO-SREPS suite suite maintenance implementation of the back-up suite Task 2: Model perturbations perturbation of physics parameters perturbation of soil fields Task 3: Ensemble merging COSMO-LEPS – COSMO-SREPS comparison Multi-clustering Task 4: Calibration
COSMO-SREPS IFS (15km) – ECMWF global GME (30km) – DWD global UM – UKMO global GFS (50 km) – NCEP global INT2LM (v 1.14) COSMO (v 4.12) 00 UTC and12 UTC 7 km 40 levels 16 members 48 h 16 physics perturbations
T1 - Running of the COSMO-SREPS suite (C. Marsigli) Maintenance of the COSMO-SREPS suite at ECMWF Implementation of the back-up suite: The work involves also DWD (even if implicitly!) A BC suite is being implemented by DWD at ECMWF, to provide BCs to COSMO-DE-EPS The BC suite will provide the 4 control members to COSMO- SREPS Direct nesting on the global models Domain enlargement and resolution increase (7 km) 12 members are currently run every day (IFS, GME, GFS branches)
Suite set-up convection scheme: 0 Tiedtke 1 Kain-Fritsch maximal turbulent length scale length scale of thermal surface patterns scaling factor of the laminar layer depth ratio of laminar scaling factors for heat over sea minimal stomata resistance
The new COSMO-SREPS suite – first results Direct nesting of COSMO at 10 km (!) on IFS (15km) and GME (30 km) Analysis for MAM 2010 (76 dates, suite running from mid March) Scores computed for: total precipitation 2m temperature and dew-point temperature
2m T – deterministic scores Northern Italy data - Nearest grid point ifs gme MAM10 BIASMAE K K
2m T – deterministic scores Northern Italy data - Nearest grid point MAM10 BIASMAE pat_len > tur_len < tur_len > rlam_heat < rat_sea < crsmin > K K
2m Td – deterministic scores Northern Italy data - Nearest grid point ifs gme MAM10 BIASMAE K K 1.0
2m Td – deterministic scores Northern Italy data - Nearest grid point MAM10 BIASMAE pat_len > tur_len < tur_len > rlam_heat < rat_sea < crsmin > K K 1.0
Northern Italy network Average over 0.5 x 0.5 deg boxes 24h precipitation 0-24h BSS ROC MAM10
Remarks for COSMO-SREPS IFS and GME driven runs are of similar quality in terms of t and td, but have different BIAS (especially for td) For precipitation forecasts, a “well-mixed” 4 members ensemble is as skilful as the full 8 member ensemble, even in the members are of different quality The runs with physics perturbations have similar scores, the main differences are in td
T2.1 - Model perturbations: parameters (F. Gofa, P. Louka, C. Marsigli) New parameter perturbations are tested in a dedicated test suite (CSPERT), where IC and BCs are not perturbed (IFS operational run) BUs are provided from Italian Special Projects New runs of the CSPERT suite were performed, from Spring 2009 to Spring 2010 Analysis of the results for MAM and SON 2009
tp > 1mm /6h tp > 10mm /6h 6h precipitation – Northern Italy MAM09
T and Td – Greece
tp > 1mm /6h tp > 10mm /6h 6h precipitation – Northern Italy SON09
Remarks from the CSPERT suite Mu_rain=0: Less precipitation for low threshold Improve the high thresholds, especially Tiedtke member Cloud_num=5e+07: No strong impact Pat_len=10000: Increase the precipitation, especially Tiedtke member Little POD improvement with small effect on FA the set crsmin=200 (largest) and rat_sea=1 (smallest) seems to “improve” bias for T and Td, (over Greece)
2.2 Model perturbations: Developing perturbations for the lower boundary (F.Gofa, P.Louka) Aim Implement a technique for perturbing soil moisture conditions and explore its impacts Reasoning The lack of spread is typically worse near the surface rather than higher in the troposphere. Also, soil moisture is of primary importance in determining the partition of energy between surface heat fluxes, thus affecting surface temperature forecasts
T3.1 - Ensemble merging: comparison of the methodologies (C. Marsigli) COSMO-LEPS (EPS downscaling + physics perturbations) and COSMO-SREPS (multi-model IC and BCs + physics perturbations) are compared: 12UTC runs, over SON 2009 (34 runs, 12 members each) During the last year of the project, a more clean comparison has been scheduled: 16 runs of both systems available every day same model version same namelists same perturbations of the physics parameters
+24h med05
+48h med05
T3.2 - Ensemble merging: development of the COSMO-LEPS clustering (A. Montani, A. Corigliano) Aim: perform a dynamical downscaling where driving members for COSMO are taken from more than one global ensemble ECMWF EPS and UKMO MOGREPS have been considered The cluster analysis is applied on different sets of members coming from the global ensembles initial conditions by EPS initial conditions by MOGREPS
Issues How does the spread/skill relationship of the single- model and mixed global ensembles look like? Where do the best (and the worst) elements of the reduced ensembles come from? How to they score depending on their “origin”? What is the impact of the ensemble reduction? Is it worth weighting according to the cluster population? The following ensembles are considered: EPS (50+1): 51 members MOGREPS (23+1): 24 members MINI-MIX (EPS24 + MOGREPS24): 48 members MEGA-MIX (EPS51 +MOGREPS24): 75 members
Performance of models: spread-skill relation MOGREPS 24 MEGAMIX 75
Where do the best (and the worst) elements come from? MEMBER bestworst RM bestworst MINIMIX Percentage and RMSE
Impact of RM weighting MEGAMIX 75: RMSE_EM = 30.7 m REDU-MEGAMIX: RMSE_EM = 32.4 m REDU-MEGAMIX weighted: RMSE_EM_W = 31.8 m
Future plans Continue the work outside the CONSENS project (since no programming of the work is possible at this stage) Implement dynamical downscaling: nest COSMO model in the selected RMs and generate “hybrid” COSMO-LEPS using boundaries from members of different global ensembles. For a number of case, compare operational COSMO-LEPS and “hybrid” COSMO-LEPS.
T4 - Calibration (T. Diomede) Data collection: Data over Switzerland, provided by MeteoSwiss (interpolated with the SYMAP method on the 417 COSMO-LEPS grid points covering Switzerland; more than 450 stations, originally) Data over Germany, provided by DWD (1038 stations, interpolated with an inverse-squared-distance weighting method over the 3566 Germany grid points) calibration over Switzerland and Germany, also on sub-areas test on the use of the specific humidity at 700 hPa for performing the analog search test on the application of calibration functions which are specific for underestimation and overestimation model conditions over ER; comparison among results obtained for different lengths of the reforecast dataset over Switzerland and Emilia-Romagna; verification of the calibration process by the coupling of QPFs with an hydrologic model (implemented for the Reno river basin, Emilia- Romagna).
Calibration over Germany autumn80th percentile h+66-90h
Calibration over Germany h+66-90h summer80th percentile
Calibration over Germany summerautumn 95th percentile h
Calibration over Switzerland lead time: h lead time: h 80th percentile summer
Calibration over Switzerland lead time: h lead time: h 80th percentile autumn
Differences among COSMO regions 95th percentile 80th percentile autumn summer
Impact of using a reduced reforecast data-set h autumn summer h
calibration specific for over- and under-estimation autumn summer winter 95th percentile using a predictor to identify if the current forecast will fall in the underestimation or in the overestimation category the forecast of a certain field compared against to the best analog of the same field, which identify the category
Impact on hydrological predictions autumn 95th percentile 90th percentile missed false alarms
Remarks and plans The performance of the calibration methodologies are very much dependent on the geographic area A multi-variable approach based on the evaluation of upper air fields at different pressure levels and times of the day will be tested Calibration could be done over all COSMO countries included in the domain (Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania), if dense and long precipitation data series are available
Final Remarks
Next milestones the back-up suite has been implemented, with 12 members. During next season, it will move to 16 members, probably using only the 3 global models fully available (IFS, GME, GFS) the new microphysics perturbations will be added to the suites during within autumn 2010 test the soil moisture perturbation technique in the COSMO-SREPS suite over a period (two seasons)
Next milestones Carry on the intercomparison between COSMO- LEPS and COSMO-SREPS for a period (from now to February 2011): 16 runs of both systems available every day same model version same namelists same perturbations of the physics parameters EPS now having EnDA+SVs Decide about the implementation of the calibration of COSMO-LEPS outputs
Hints for discussion COSMO-SREPS: Problems with the UM boundary conditions Use of 3 sets of global models only (but still 16 members) Which are the needs for BCs to run convective- permitting ensembles in the COSMO countries? Calibration: The performance of the calibration methodology is dependent on the precipitation threshold and on the considered area => different calibration methods for different areas? Difficulty in “catching the bias” of precipitation over Emilia-Romagna, dependent on weather type