Communicating science to the young – future networks Vienna, Jan 31- Feb Adriana Valente, Luciana Libutti Science Communication and Education National Research Council, Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies Perception and awareness of science Ethics and Polemics
Main projects of science communication and education of the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies Perception and awareness of science- Ethics and Polemics. From 2000 to date in partnership with the British Council models of science communication with schools Biohead –Citizen. 19 European and Mediterranean Partners finding values of citizenship in science teaching Periodical inquiries on young people and science
Science Must be Communicated… …but is it possible to participate in the scientific debate? Yes, of course! …is science social or antisocial?
..why they don’t understand us We are communicating…
Public understanding of science - meanings Understanding of science literacy Science popularization dissemination Science perception awareness Participation - decision making Riflexivity- pluridirectional communication
Public understanding of science - project Cnr - British Council discussion groups + conference and public debate + follow up Objectives of science communication:Objectives of the inquiries: Allow groups to have an active role during the debate with experts Participation methods Documentation on different scientific views Foster group debate Foster students proposals Verify science perception Verify the points of view of students on science values, their faith in Science, their risk perception… Not so much their knowledge GMOs, “Electrosmog”, Space exploration, Climate change, Water crisis
At the beginning … metaplan, analysis of scientific documentation, group discussion…
Then participation in public debate with experts…
…finally, FOLLOW UP students’ productions students’ proposals organisation of a meeting by students Open space technology for students and teachers