Perception, Nonverbal Comm., Listening & Hearing Six Senses Types of Listening Types of Nonverbal
Six Senses Tactile = Touch Auditory = Hearing Gustatory = Taste Olfactory = Smell Visual = Sight E.S.P. (Extra-Sensory Perception) Using all of your senses to make a prediction
Non-Verbal Communication Body Language-Using your body to communicate. Facial Expression-Using your face to communicate Gestures-Shows importance of something in your speech using your hands
Paralanguage Pitch-How high or low your voice gets Rate-How fast or slow you talk Volume-How loud or soft you speak Vocal Variety-Using all of your verbal skills effectively
Types of Communication Artifactual Communication Communication using what you wear Proxemics How close you are to your audience or to the person you are speaking to Chronemics Use of time in communication
Listening & Hearing Active Listening Passive Listening When a listener takes an active role in the communication process by guiding the speaker to common interests understanding what is being said Passive Listening Letting the speaker do all the work while the listener goes along for the ride, not remembering what is said
Listenin’ & Hearin’ Appreciative Listening Discriminative Listening When you listen for enjoyment, music, nature… Discriminative Listening Focusing on one particular sound in a noisy environment. Empathic Listening Being sensitive to what others say, feeling free to talk about anything without judgement Critical Listening Evaluate what is being heard and decide if it is logical or if the message has value
Roadblocks to Listening Bad Habits Tuning out dull topics Faking Attention Yielding to distractions Jumping to Conclusions Overreacting to emotional words INTERRUPTING Filters Based on your background and personality