3 February, 2016 SEESCOASEESCOA STWW - Programma D1.3: Common Test Case Prof. Koen De Bosschere
SEESCOASEESCOA Outline uCase characteristics uBasic concept of the case uExtensions uRelevance wfor the project wfor the companies
SEESCOASEESCOA Case characteristics ucommunication: modems, network device, phone switches usignal processing: digital audio, TVs, set- top boxes, hearing devices uimaging: digital video, high-end printers, printer servers, display systems uwireless: GPS, remote controls, battery management systems Lighthouse applications
SEESCOASEESCOA Basic concept of the case Camera 1Camera 2Camera 3 Controller Unit (PC) Controller Unit (PC) Archiving Unit
SEESCOASEESCOA Extensions uOther capturing devices (microphones) uOther controller units (actuators) uFirst step: build an ‘empty’ smart video surveillance system; then add the intelligence
SEESCOASEESCOA Relevance for the project uComponents uConnected to a network uUser interface (LCD + Web) uDebugging of component-based software
SEESCOASEESCOA Relevance for the companies uCommunication uSignals and images uIntelligence in software uSoft real-time constraints uMulti-site development uRemote diagnostics uLive updates uWireless?
SEESCOASEESCOA Conclusion A smart video surveillance system seems to be a good case to produce a proof of concept of the software engineering methodology and tools that will be developed in this project