Libraries in Cyberspace: Are Students Ready to Rocket? Pamela Jackson, Information Literacy Librarian Linda Salem, Education Librarian
Views from the Observation Deck (Under the Dome) iPod Nanos, not video, are the norm. Help, Scotty! Laptop use has overloaded our wireless circuits. Computer labs are packed and have long lines. “Express terminals" are a MySpace mecca. Outreach info should be placed at ground level to catch the Text Messagers. Redesign of computing spaces to facilitate collaboration is needed.
Library Liaisons Anne Turhollow Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Ellie Dworak or Martha McPhail Women's Studies Robert Fikes Africana Studies
Carolyn Baber Journalism, Communication, and Recreation Linda Muroi Child and Family Development Patrick Sullivan Recreation (Business aspects) Library Liaisons
Library Liaisons Educational Technology Librarian Linda Salem (619)
Information Literacy Consider adding information literacy student learning outcomes as you redesign your courses or programs. Pamela Jackson, Information Literacy Librarian
Blackboard Support Pages Library Blackboard Support Pages
Why Use Multimedia in the Library? Increase in portable technologies continues to enhance how students learn. Increase in large class sizes creates the need to reach our students in innovative ways. Makes libraries more relevant, innovative, and contemporary for 21st century learners.
Library Video Tour (work in progress) Video on YouTube Video on Rohan
Library Slideshow Tour (work in progress) Video on YouTube Video on Rohan
Library Database Instruction Using Captivate Advanced ERIC Searching
Library Database Instruction Using Captivate Using ERIC via First Search
Instant Messenging
Thank You Question/Comments? Linda Salem Education Librarian (619) Pamela Jackson Information Literacy Librarian (619)