Top 5 ingredients that you should stay away from
Sugar Complex sugars are great if they are whole grains and fruits (fiber) compared to simple sugars. TED Talks: SUGAR BLOOD GLUCOSE
High Fructose Corn Syrup It alters your body's natural ability to regulate appetite It blocks the ability of a hormone called leptin, which is the way your fat cells tells your brain it's full.
Enriched Wheat Flour It is actually poor in nutrition because most of the grain's nutrients are destroyed in the refining process.
Saturated Fat Found mainly in animal products. They are solid at room temperature, like lard or Crisco.
Hydrogenated oil, often labeled as Trans Fats To increase shelf life of certain foods, clear, liquid oils are hydrogenated. This process turns the oil into a solid at room temperature, but it also makes the oil unhealthy.
Dr. Oz Speaks Dr. Oz - Worst 5 Ingredients READING LABELS