LIS2214 Education and Outreach
Why would we want to have these types of programs? Image Source:
Education What is the goal of an education program?
Education What is the goal of an education program? Increase awareness of preservation Image Source:
Education What is the goal of an education program? Increase awareness of preservation Get staff and administration to understand the importance of preservation Image Source:
Education What is the goal of an education program? Increase awareness of preservation Get staff and administration to understand the importance of preservation Increase awareness of what a successful preservation program needs Image Source:
Education What is the goal of an education program? Increase awareness of preservation Get staff and administration to understand the importance of preservation Increase awareness of what a successful preservation program needs Let staff know that preservation program doesn’t have to be expensive
Education What is the goal of an education program? Increase awareness of preservation Get staff and administration to understand the importance of preservation Increase awareness of what a successful preservation program needs Let staff know that preservation program doesn’t have to be expensive Modify behavior
Education Why is education important? Image Source:
Education Why is education important? Teach staff how to handle materials: During check-in/check-out so they can educate users on proper handling of the item(s) During packing for ILL to make sure items stay safe in transit and know when to include special instructions Teach staff how to identify damage caused by: Users Insects Food/drink
Education Why is education important? Teach users how to handle materials: Teach them how to handle materials they have borrowed Teach users how to identify damage caused by: Pets Insects Food/drink
Education What do you need for a successful preservation education program? Administrative/ Institutional commitment A place to hold training sessions A budget (even if small) Someone to run the program or coordinate A well-developed program
Planning Education Programs What kind of program do you want? Is it geared toward: Staff Current New Hires Administration Departmental or institution-wide?
This would be an example of a workshop geared toward professional development
Education You might create a presentation that looks like this:
The Future of at the University of Virginia Library Holly Robertson Town Meeting May 11,
Education That presentation might have a slide that looks like this:
Role of Preservation: Preservation ProgrammingConservationAdvisory disaster planning & response commercial / library binding environmental monitoring staff education / user outreach (care & handling) stacks maintenance conservation training for staff circulating collections conservation Special Collections conservation gift acquisitions access processing material & format standards collection storage grants for conservation & preservation reformatting & digitization
Continuing Education Have training sessions and refreshers on a regular basis: A disaster workshop once or twice a year A refresher on pest identification Conduct a tour of your in-house preservation lab A session on basic book repair
Continuing Education Create a small newsletter discussing preservation trends and issues: Hold orientation programs for new hires Create a handbook/manual Create an exhibit
Outreach How does outreach differ from education? It helps connect with people outside the organization or department
Outreach What is the goal outreach? Increase awareness of what preservation is Get users and those outside the organization to buy into the importance of preservation Increase awareness of what a successful preservation program needs Modify behavior
Outreach What can you do ? Host an exhibit Host an open house Build a website Articles in local newspaper Articles in newsletter Blogs Facebook What else?
Image Source: Outreach
How Do You Know Your Program Works? You see a change in: Staff and User Behaviors Staff and User Attitudes Staff and User Knowledge Staff empowerment
Now that you have a program, what’s next? Make it part of your annual goals and objectives! Create staff training programs every year Create an outreach program for users every year
Education and Outreach
Planning Education and Outreach Activities Is Your Program A: Workshop Seminar Exhibit (i.e. Preservation Fair) Lecture series
Planning Education and Outreach Activities Make sure you understand your audience Have lots of handouts! Make it fun Serve Food (if possible)
Planning Education and Outreach Activities Use actual collection samples when you can Is it a hands on activity? Make sure you have plenty of assistants Make sure you have plenty of supplies Consider having people pre-register so you know how many are attending. (This will help with the first two points) Create an exhibit Have a poster contest Prepare an evaluation sheet to be completed anonymously at the end of the activity for feedback Serve food!
Planning Education and Outreach Activities Have a local event in conjunction with a national event! For instance: Preservation week is April 27-May 3, They even have a toolkit available for ideas The ALA bookstore has free promotional materials! Image Source:
Preservation Program Ideas Image Source:
Preservation Program Ideas Image Source:
Education and Outreach Now that you have a program, what’s next? At the event don’t forget to: Take pictures of your event! Promote your event!
Education and Outreach Now that you have a program, what’s next? After the event: Don’t forget to publish a follow up in a newsletter or on your website so that people can see you had an event. This will whet their appetite for the next one. Make sure you write a report to document what you did. Talk about your successes and what you might change for the next event.