Regional perspective on the achievements of MDGs ASIA - PACIFIC Kim Hak-Su Executive Secretary Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
A very diverse region! 15/16 3 of the world’s most populous countries Some highly developed and a number of middle- income 14 least developed countries (LDCs) 12 landlocked developed countries (LLDCs) 17 small island developed States (SIDS)
Different levels of MDG achievements 15/16 Fast achievers Slow achievers Off-track countries
Fast achievers 15/16 Meet income poverty and “on track” in other targets In East-Asia and South-East Asian – meet income poverty target Mixed progress in: –women’s equal representation –Reducing under-five-years old mortality –Reducing maternal mortality –Halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS –Environmental sustainability Pockets of poverty in China, India and Indonesia Income inequality could be worsening
Slow achievers 15/16 South Asia and West Asia Appears on track in income poverty, education and drinking water goals South Asia - slow progress in other goals West Asia – income poverty on the rise
Off-track countries 15/16 Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing Countries Countries with economies in transition Island developing countries
Key MDG challenges - Asia-Pacific region 15/16 Largest number of absolute poor (700 million, 2/3 world’s poor) Several countries have increasing poverty levels – sustainability of poverty reduction a challenge Diversity in the level of achievement of MDGs Concern in meeting the targets on hunger and other goals
What ESCAP is doing? 15/16 Partnership with UNDP to promote MDGs since 2001 First regional report on MDGs in June 2003 (focus on Goal 1 and 8)
15/16 Second phase launched in February 2004 Asian Development Bank (ADB) has joined the partnership Second regional MDG report to be released in September 2005, a series of Technical Background Papers
15/16 Patchy and incomplete data sets Only 15 countries have $1 a day poverty figures UNSIAP and UNDP project on building statistical capacity MDG data
15/16 Thank you